Get a free impact assessment for your child to see if they are affected by their school absence

By Jamie Hill - 1 June 2020


Kumon's Swindon West branch is offering a free Maths and English impact assessment for children to see how the pandemic-caused absence from school has affected them.

Stephen Chamberlain, Study Centre Director for Kumon Learning Centre Swindon West, said: "For many years, the government has complied data which evidences the impact of absence from school, on a child’s educational performance.

"Without even needing to read the Government’s own findings, it makes sense that if a child is absent from school, it usually negatively impacts upon their progress. 

"Most children in England, through no fault of their own, have not been to school since Friday March 20th. 

"Despite the best efforts of teachers to supply work and teach from a distance, as well as parents doing their best to provide home schooling, there is a possibility many children may have fallen behind. 

"That is a total of around 171 days without going to school if returning in September. Nearly 6 months.

"This may have an effect on children's emotional and social development. 

"What I am NOT so worried about though, is the impact of the lock down on progress in maths or English.

"I know exactly where your child is, in terms of progress with his maths and English, compared to a typical school aged child. 

"I know this because I run the Swindon West Kumon Study centre. Kumon is a world-renowned supplementary education programme. We use paper worksheets and pencils daily (there is no screen time) and under normal circumstances, children visit my centre up to twice and week after school or on Saturday mornings. 

"Over 4 million children across the world study with Kumon and because of this I am able, via a 10-15-minute test, to establish your child's ability in Maths and/or English.

"I can pinpoint precisely what he can and cannot do regarding maths, and precisely how he/she compares to other same age children with his/her reading and comprehension. 

"I can do this for your children too, completely free of charge. If you would like to be provided with a Kumon diagnostic test for maths and/or English totally free of charge, please get in touch with me by e-mail at [email protected] 

"The test(s) will enable you to establish exactly where your child is for math and/or English, compared to other children their age. 

"You WILL be able to tell very accurately what impact the lockdown and school closure has had on your child’s progress in maths and English. If your child has fallen behind a typical child in their year group, I will be able to tell you how far. Likewise, if you have managed to advance them with your home schooling, I will be able to tell you how your child compares academically with a child of their age across the developed world.

"I am doing this because, right now, it is something a lot of parents probably want to know. I am doing this for free. I am doing this because in these circumstances it is the right thing to do.

"Kumon has been doing this for 62 years. It is what we do. If your child IS behind, or ahead, of a typical child their age, I can also talk to you about how Kumon can help you. But only if you would like me to, there is no obligation whatsoever to have that conversation. 

"Just give me a call on 07857 447 982 or via email [email protected]"

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