St Margaret's Pre-School receives 'Good' Ofsted rating

By Jamie Hill - 27 June 2023

Pre-school & Childcare

St Margaret's Pre-School in Kenwin Close has received a 'good' rating after an Ofsted inspection.

The inspection, which took place on 24 May, ranked the pre-school as 'Good' for overall effectiveness, the quality of education,  behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

The report said: "Children arrive happily and separate from their parents confidently. They understand nursery routines and enjoy using their photos to register. Children greet each other and staff enthusiastically and have formed strong friendships with their peers.

"Staff teach children to play collaboratively and treat each other with kindness and respect. For example, they listen to each other's opinions and take turns when playing.

"Staff set clear expectations for children's behaviour, while at the same time encouraging them to be lively and engaged. They celebrate children's achievements and talk about successes.

"Children learn to be independent. They help themselves to fruit and drinks and sort the waste from their lunch into recycling and compost bins. They develop a sense of responsibility by moving their self-registration picture to show when they have left the room to go to the toilet. Staff encourage children to make choices by giving them opportunities to select from a wide range of activities.

"The children have access to outdoor play and go on regular outings to learn more about their community and environment.

"They express preferences and ideas about where they would like to go, and staff work hard to make these choices happen by taking all the children on a bus trip, for example.

"Children talk about these shared experiences in the setting and use them as the basis for role-playing games. Staff teach children the skills and vocabulary to play imaginatively."

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