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west Swindon's                                   Viewrite



                                            THE                                     TV & Video
                                   LINK                                            or Long Term

                                                                                    I-u 848497
                                   No. 103 October 1990 Circulation 10,500

         How did                    West Swindon As                                     Health report
     Matthew do?                                                                           confirms
                                     Our Community
     Find out how much was raised                                                        W. Swindon
       for Special Baby Care by   November conference to involve residents and agencies   survey results
       Matthew Fiddes at his fete   A conference which aims to give   Community Development Of-
    advertised on our front page last   residents a chance to say what   ficer Laurence Yeoman, also or-  A recent report produced by Swin-
       month. Turn to page 16   they think of West Swindon takes   ganising the two days, doesn't   don's director of public health, Dr
     Pictured be/ow: Matthew and   place on 6 and 7 November.   want the word 'conference' to put   John Parsons, has pinpointed
      his mum Majella at the fete.   People living in the area, local   people off attending. "It sounds   lonliness and isolation in new
                               community, health and social   too grand, but it's not. Living in   housing areas as a major problem
                               workers, teachers and church-  West Swindon affects people in   in Swindon.
                               men/women are being invited to   different ways. It's important that   He indicates that some illnesses
                               take part in a big get together to   residents are able to express their   might be caused by social isolation
                               'take the pulse' of the community   views on what it's like to live here.   and displacement resulting from
                               and see if local services could be   It's a chance to share and exchange   themovementofpeopleaway from
                               improved.                   ideas, and look to the future."   family and other traditional sup-
                                 Joint organiser Rev. John Flory   Lunch will be provided on both   port systems. This creates greater
                               says the conference is a chance to   days and there will be free child-  demands on statutory services,
                               take stock. "With new building   care available.       voluntary support bodies like Re-
                               slowingand people settlingdown,   There is no cost to people living   late (marriage guidance) and local
                               it's a good time to take a look at   in the area who attend.   G.P services.
                               what kind of community we have   The conference takes place in   A large survey published in the
                               by bringing together people who   the Community Suite at the Link   April 1989 edition of The Link in-
                               live in the area and those who   Centre from 9.30a.m. to 2.30p.m.   cluded a question "Do you ever feel
                               work in West Swindon. It's an   on both days.          lonely?"  The survey results were
                               opportunity to be clearer about   Readers who would like to att-  presented to Thamesdown Coun-
                               the problems and to share ideas   end can use the booking form on   cil's Community Development
                               on how to improve things."   page 30 to register their interest.   Committee on 28 September.
                                                                                       Not published in the survey re-
                                                                                      port is the fact thatoutof 568 replies
                                                                                      returned, 275 said they never felt
                                                                                       However218 said they felt lonely
                                                                                      sometimes, 43 said often and 11
                                                                                      said they felt lonely most of the
                                                                                      time. (21 did not answer).
        ON MONDAY 15 OCTOBER, 7.30pm - 9pm                                             Added together272 respondents
                                                                                      living in West Swindon, 50%, indi-
            COMMUNITY SUITE, LINK CENTRE                                              cated some feelings of loneliness.
                                                                                           Turn to page 15
                 This is an opportunity to meet Superintendant Bill Pryke,               for information on the
                                                                                            survey results.
               Commander of Swindon North Police Sub-Division, who will
               •  Give a General Overview of Police Work                                   We go to
                 in the Division (including West Swindon)                              school again
               •  Outline the challenges presented by the opening
                 of Shaw Ridge Leisure Park                                            Parents and their 10 year olds will
                                                                                       be asked to choose a secondary
               •  Speak on the importance of working with the community                school soon.
                 through Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and other measures                 Every autumnThe Linkvisitsthe
                                                                                       schools designated to receive
                                                                                       children from West Swindon.
                       And will answers questions from the public.                      This year we've asked the
                             ALL WELCOME                                               of the school. We start with
                                                                                       Greendown on page 13.
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