Signs It’s Time to Get a Professional Web Designer

By Swindon Link - 1 April 2022


These days, DIY website builders have made it easier than ever to create a website for your business. Whether you need a basic website that customers can use to get more information about what you do or are looking to start your own eCommerce company, you can use a range of platforms and website building tools to get your online presence started. However, DIY website builders are often designed for people with no experience of web design and can be quite limiting. While they might be ideal for some, here are some signs that you might want to consider investing in a professional web design agency instead.

Not Getting the Results You Want

If you are always fighting with your website trying to get it to do everything that you have visualised but feel that you are restricted by the website building tool that you are using, it might be time to consider working with a web design agency.  For example, work with a web design Coventry professional web designer who can create custom designs and features for your site, allowing you to achieve everything you’ve visualised for your site and get the results you have always wanted.

The Design is Dated

If you built your website a few years ago and these days, you are feeling like it’s lagging behind in comparison to newer and more modern websites, it might be time to consider working with a web design agency. A good web designer will have a solid understanding of the latest web design trends and what works well right now when it comes to making a great first impression with your website. Along with updating the design, they can also make sure that it’s going to work with newer devices.

High Bounce Rate

If you’ve noticed that you are not getting a lot of customer engagement and your bounce rate is high, it might be time to invest in professional web design. While DIY website building platforms can definitely produce engaging sites with lots of features for engagement, unfortunately, there’s often more room for mistakes that could lead to a high bounce rate when you take this route.

Slow Loading

A slow website can cause all kinds of problems. Poor search engine rankings and a high bounce rate are not uncommon with websites that take forever to load, and as a result, you could end up losing customers. These days, anything more than a second or two is too long, so it’s important to work with a professional to fix this issue if you’re currently dealing with a site that loads up slowly. The truth is that no matter how great your site looks once it’s loaded, visitors are just not prepared to wait.

While DIY website building platforms could get your website started, many businesses reach a point where something more is necessary. If you are dealing with any of the above issues, it might be worth thinking about working with a web design agency.

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