3 Helpful Tips to Improve the Safety of Your Bathroom

By Swindon Link - 16 June 2022

Home and Garden

You may not have considered some of the possible safety risks inside your bathroom. Since it is your most frequently used room in the house, you tend to take things for granted.

  • Photo by Curtis Adams

    Photo by Curtis Adams

The bathroom is probably the last place you imagine can pose any danger to yourself or your family. However, nothing can be further from the truth. Many accidents have occurred inside the bathroom, mostly when least expected. Whether you have young children at home, are suffering from certain medical conditions, or live with elderly parents, your bathroom needs to be a safe place to avoid the risk of injuries from slips and falls.

Your bathroom environment can also impact your health. Because of the humid atmosphere inside, it is a breeding place for mould and mildew that causes respiratory problems. Additionally, there are toilet germs that can make you and your family sick. Because of this, it is vital to keep your bathroom clean and safe and ensure that you and your family enjoy a pleasant and comfortable experience when you use it. It would also help if you considered baths with doors that are convenient, have safety features, and are especially helpful for seniors and those with mobility issues.

Here are some helpful tips to keep your bathroom environment safe.



1.         Clean it regularly

As earlier mentioned, the bathroom is a breeding place for germs and bacteria, most of which are invisible. Therefore, it is essential to clean your bathroom regularly to ensure that it is safe. Make it a habit to go through every area of the room, even those you think may not have germs. These include faucets and showerheads. In addition, scrub tiles on the wall as mould and grime can build up  on them and cause you or your family members to get sick. Also, ensure that your bathroom floor and other surfaces are always dry. Slippery falls are the primary cause of bathroom accidents.


2.         Keep it well-lit

Another reason why people injure themselves in the bathroom is that it isn't adequately lit. These accidents frequently happen at night when people get up to use the bathroom and feel their way around a dark hallway before entering an equally dark bathroom. If you are half asleep, the risk of hurting yourself is increased. Consider using nightlights that can be plugged in the hallway and the bathroom to avoid accidents.


3.         Avoid using bath rugs

While bath rugs can enhance the appearance of your bathroom, they are also safety hazards. A bath rug can cause someone to trip or slip, resulting in injuries that can sometimes be severe. Additionally, avoid placing anything on the bathroom floor that can result in falling. Instead, choose tiles in your preferred designs to beautify your bathroom. That way, you reduce the risk of anyone hurting themselves inside the bathroom.

On a final note, it would be best to install grab bars that help maintain one's balance and provide safety for older people or those with disabilities. They are also ideal for anyone recovering from some injuries that affect their movement and balance.

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