Jewel of Swindon's heritage crown at centre of special November events

By Barrie Hudson - 28 October 2024

Arts and CultureAttractionsHeritage

The Friends of Lydiard Park have announced the latest in their ongoing series of special events at the historic Swindon location.

  • An image from the Lydiard archives

    An image from the Lydiard archives

The first, Cakes and Tales, will take place at Hook Village Hall on Wednesday 6 November from 2.30pm.
Visitors will have the chance to explore the fascinating Lydiard Archives for free and share their memories of Lydiard Park and the Parish of Lydiard Tregoze with archivists.
A spokesperson said: "Please do bring photographs, letters, or other materials, and we can arrange to carefully digitise them. Donations towards your home-made afternoon tea are much appreciated.
"If you would like to attend please let Julie know at [email protected] so that we can ensure we have enough refreshments!"
On Wednesday 20 November from noon to 2pm, bestselling author Elizabeth St John will be at Lydiard Park Hotel and Conference Centre to present her critically acclaimed new historical fiction novel, The King’s Intelligencer, and sign books.
Guests will travel back with Elizabeth to 17th-century Lydiard Park, meet the family intelligencers, and join the discovery of the missing Princes in the Tower.
Tickets are priced at £20, includes a light lunch and refreshments, or £18 for Friends of Lydiard Park and are available via
Information about the Friends of Lydiard Park can be found at


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