Progress at Coate roundabout

By Jamie Hill - 5 June 2023


The project at Coate roundabout and the surrounding area continues to progress and is expected to finish towards the end of this year.

Following the closure of the subway on Queens Drive last month, the subway was filled along with the slopes either side, so the levels are correct for the construction of new footway and cycleway links.

Over the next few weeks the team will be focusing on the foundation of the new footway and cycleway link to the north of Queens Drive, which will connect into the new Toucan crossing. The team has also begun realigning the new kerb line which will allow the central reservation island to be built as part of the new crossing.

Notices have been placed on the site to advise that the subway on Marlborough Road is expected to close on Thursday, 8 June. Once the subway is closed, the team will begin filling in the subway and surrounding slopes, similar to what has already been done on Queens Drive.

Marlborough Road is already served by a Toucan crossing, which is being upgraded to new LED signals as part of the project so pedestrians will be directed to this crossing once the subway is closed.

As we move into late June, routine maintenance work will begin on the other side of the roundabout at Marlborough Road, with the re-waterproofing of the bridge-deck. This will be on the section of road exiting Coate Roundabout, heading towards Commonhead Roundabout, and will be completed under lane closures.

You can find out more about this project on SBC's website.

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