Appeal for witnesses following early morning burglary in Swindon

By Jamie Hill - 23 May 2024


Wiltshire Police are appealing for witnesses following a burglary at Baraka groceries store on Lagos Street, Swindon in the early hours of this morning.

At around 2.20am a suspect broke into the store, took cash from the till and left via the rear alleyway of the store.

The suspect is described as a white male, with brown hair, wearing black trousers and a black or navy-blue jacket, black trainers and gloves. It is believed he removed the jacket when he left the scene so may have been seen in a black t-shirt.

Officers are carrying out an investigation including CCTV and house to house enquiries.

  • If you have CCTV, doorbell or dashcam footage, or you have information that could help with enquiries please contact 101 quoting reference number 54240059495.

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