More than 40 arrests in festive shoplifting and antisocial behaviour crackdown

By Barrie Hudson - 7 January 2025


Targeted Wiltshire Police operations over the festive season have been hailed a success.

The force  carried out a number of operations with a focus on shoplifting and anti-social behaviour, resulting in more than 40 arrests and a number of other positive outcomes.

Patrols were carried out in retail centres and crime hot spots to provide community reassurance and nurture strong relationships with shop workers and business owners.  

In addition, Wiltshire Police’s Neighbourhood Harm Reduction Unit worked in partnership with local authorities to put in place engagement stalls to encourage members of the public to report crime, discuss concerns and access crime prevention advice.

The Neighbourhood Policing Teams worked with local authorities to ensure licensed premises were complying with their conditions.  Officers also conducted a number of patrols to provide visibility, reassurance and deterrence activity in identified vulnerable rural locations and anti-social behaviour hotspots.

Assistant Chief Constable Ian Saunders said: “As a force we continue to prioritise preventative policing and we remain committed to reducing crime within our communities.

“The focussed activity conducted over the festive period was planned and focussed against the crime trends and demands types we expect to see during the holiday season.  We are determined to deal with such matters robustly and provide our communities with the best possible, evidence-based policing service.

When set against the other important duties being managed across Wiltshire during this period, including night-time economy issues and gang-related activity, our commitment to community engagement and service delivery underline our commitment to keeping our communities safe.”

Throughout December, the twin initiatives Op Dasher (Swindon) and Op Cracker (County), resulted in the following outcomes:

- 40 arrests.

- 17 Out of Court Disposals.

- Five Closure Orders relating to ASB and business premises.

- Three Community Behaviour Orders.

- Two Community Protection Notices relating to licensed premises.

- 14 Section 35 Dispersals.

- 15 Stop Searches.

- 104 intelligence submissions.

- Seven High Risk Offenders arrested.

- 10 Hotel watch visits conducted.

- 123 weeks of prison sentences.

- 138 recorded engagements with local businesses and licensed premises.

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