Keep Swindon Tidy campaigners eager to clear 200,000 bags of litter

By Barrie Hudson - 22 January 2025

  • Litter pickers at work

    Litter pickers at work

Volunteers from the Keep Swindon Tidy campaign are calling on more support to clear more litter from the streets.

  • All are welcome to join in

    All are welcome to join in

The campaigners say a growing number of residents of are already committed to a cleaner and greener Swindon, but more are always welcome.
A spokesperson said: "As people embark on positive intentions for the year ahead, why not improve your physical health and wellbeing as well as make a difference in the community by getting out and about picking some litter! 
"Volunteering activities like this are a great way to meet new people and improve your mental health and wellbeing, as well as getting exercise and fresh air."
The campaigners suggest incorporating litter-picking into everyday activities such as dog-walking, walking to the shops, going for a run or going on family outings.
The spokesperson added: "Swindon has in the region of 233,000 residents, and if each person picked just one bag of rubbish during 2025, we would smash the target of getting 200,000 bags of litter off Swindon’s streets! 
"Keep Swindon Tidy"would love you to let us know how many bags you pick and from where by visiting our Facebook page, where you can become a member and then leave a comment on how many bags you’ve picked and even upload photos of your efforts. 
"You can also get involved in volunteering with us by visiting the Facebook page and seeing when our planned picks are happening. 
"We tend to have two picks a week; one during the week and one on a Sunday morning. We are also keen to hear from you if you would like a pick done in your area. 
"If you notice a load of litter or fly tipping in your area, and want a hand in clearing it, you can get in touch by visiting the Facebook page. 
"We also know that there are some remarkable people out there regularly picking litter on their own and in groups, and we are so grateful for your efforts. 
"We see you all as a member of the Swindon family of litter pickers, and making a huge difference to our communities. Please let us know how many bags you pick after your sessions, as all contributions, big or small, contribute to the target of 200,000 bags. 
"Let’s pull together to make Swindon cleaner, greener, and safer for all.
"Please visit Keep Swindon Tidy Facebook page and become a member."

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