Teenaged survivor praised as Swindon sex offender jailed

By Barrie Hudson - 22 January 2025


Swindon Police are praising a 14-year-old girl for her bravery after she was instrumental in bringing a sex offender to justice.

Kevin Wolton, 42, of Doulton Close, Redhouse, had previously denied sexually assaulting the teenager, who was willing to make a statement to officers and appear as a witness despite her ordeal.

Swindon Crown Court sentenced him to 29 months' imprisonment after changing his plea to guilty and admitting two breaches of his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), which banned him from having unsupervised contact with girls under the age of 18, or lone women.

On 3 September last year, Wolton approached the girl in Brook Park, Redhouse, and made lewd and inappropriate comments to her, and then grabbed her and tried to kiss her.

The incident was reported to officers on patrol and Wolton was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault.

PC Dominic Tonge from the Swindon North, East and Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “The victim showed great courage throughout this case and was determined that he should be punished for what he did to protect other girls in the future.

“Her calm resolution to continue to seek justice despite her young age was impressive.

“SHPOs are put in place by the court to protect the public from sexual harm, with conditions to assist us in managing them.

"We will continue to manage these orders robustly and ensure those who break them are brought before the courts."

The NPT has requested changes to Wolton’s Sexual Harm Prevention Order when he is released from prison so he cannot be within 100 meters of any child’s play park, not to attend or be within 100 meters of any school or college, and not to attend Redhouse Village Centre.


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