The Advantages of Having Travel Pack Medicine on Your Trip

By Swindon Link - 19 July 2022


Many travellers forget about their health when they go on a trip. This is because they believe they can easily purchase the medicine they need at their destination. But some medications they can easily buy in their country are unavailable in other countries. Further, some drugs require a prescription; thus, they are not sold over the counter.

  • Photo by Roger Brown

    Photo by Roger Brown

Travelling with a first aid kit

When you travel, having a first aid kit is essential. A first aid kit can give you the necessary items, especially when a doctor is unavailable. Before travelling, visit your GP for advice on what to include in your travel first aid kit. Here are the essentials.


  • Different sizes and shapes of plasters, sterile gauze dressings, sterile eye dressings (at least two)
  • Triangular bandages, crêpe rolled bandages
  • Disposable sterile gloves
  • Safety pins, scissors, tweezers
  • Alcohol-free cleansing wipes, sticky tape, digital thermometer
  • Distilled water, eye wash, eye bath
  • Painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol)
  • Skin rash cream, spray or cream for stings and insect bites, antiseptic cream, antihistamine tablets or cream
  • Antacids, anti-diarrhoea, laxatives
  • Motion sickness medication, cold relief medication, cough suppressant, saline nasal spray
  • Face masks

Travelling with prescribed medication

If you use prescribed medication, you should visit your GP before your trip. Have a medical checkup if needed, update your required vaccinations, and discuss where you plan to go so that your GP can tell you what you should take with you and have new prescriptions issued. You can visit if you need to order your medication and have them delivered to you. You do not have to leave your house to fill up your prescriptions.


For travelling, keep your prescribed medication in a medicine travel pack. Ensure that your medication is in its original packaging for easy identification. Also, bring enough medication for your existing medical conditions to last during your trip and additional supplies if your travel is extended for various reasons.


Moreover, carry the original and duplicate copies of your prescriptions, which should include generic names. Doing so will facilitate purchasing or replacing your medication if they are stolen or lost. However, do not keep your prescriptions and their copies in one place. Instead, place them in different bags for easy access. Moreover, carry only enough medication that will last for the length of your trip. Place them in your handbag or carry-on luggage to get them quickly. Keep the rest of your medication in your main luggage. Ask your doctor how to store medicines that need refrigeration properly.


Consider wearing medical alert jewellery if you have hidden medical conditions, such as diabetes or allergies. Medical alert jewellery can help first responders administer the correct treatment during an emergency.

Take the necessary precautions and stay healthy while you travel. Consult with your GP, request new prescriptions, and ensure that you have a first-aid travel kit and enough supply of prescription medications in their original packaging so they can pass through customs and you can have your daily dose like you are back home.

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