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AT YOUR LIBRARY                                                      11
                                             INTO 1988
                                                   by Linda Black
   May we convey our best wishes  interior design display to choir  are anything to go by, you will  designs the children will love to

   to you all for the New Year  singing! (as well as the ever  not be disappointed. The exhibi- wear, Lawrence Crown 'Marilyn
   (especially from Kay who was  popular art exhibitions).   tion runs from Saturday January  at Twentieth Century Fox' - for
   missed off our Christmas mes-  W.A.T.A. (Wiltshire Art  9th until Friday February 5th.   those who never tire of admiring
   sage!)                     Teachers Association) start off   The library will also be accom- this golden goddess, Suzy Menkes
     It looks as though we are going  the year with another superb  modating the Thamesdown Crafts  'The Windsor Style' -   absolutely
   to be kept very busy in 1988 with  display of artwork produced by  Photographic Display from  superb photographs taken behind
   various events and exhibitions  the children of Wiltshire's schools.  January 22nd until February  the doors of the Duke & Duchess
   booked right the way through to  It will provide everyone with an  12th. This display looks closey  of Windsor's Paris home and a
   October. Hopefully there should  opportunity to see the rich variety  at what is being achieved in  fashion album par excellence,
   be something of interest to suit  of artwork undertaken by children  Thamesdown by local crafts  and last but not least lain Gales
   everyone - everything from an  of this county. If the past 2 years  people.        'Laura Ashley Style' -   200 pages
                                                            Our quarterly 'Gold Collection'  of immaculate home interior
                                                          display of glossy new titles will be  design presentation to bankrupt
      SOUNDING OFF                                        organised towards the end of  you credit cards further!
                                                          January, so keep your eye open
                                                          for that one!               TO ADVERTISE IN THE LINK
   Bringing a child into the world is  5 year old, 17 month old and new   We are hoping to start a   RING: 771534 or 872282
   a rewarding experience for most  born. As a 'learner' pushing a   monthly stoiytime session for
   people. However, it's often tough  double buggy, I was naturally a   under S's commencing in early
   for mothers with children when  little nervous. Our first stop at   February. Initially, this will take
   they take a trip out, as Jan Bates  Martins did nothing to lift my   place in the library bookden on
   of Castle Dore explains.    post-natal morale. A quick glance   the first Wednesday of each month
     When will shop owners and  at Miss Anna Rexia on the cover   between 10.30 - 11.00 a.m. If
   the baby free members of our  of Vogue made me wish they'd   you are interested in having your
   society realise that pram, push- use models who represented Miss   children included at these ses-
   chair and double buggy weilding  Orange-Peel-Thighs Average!"   sions please speak to Linda
    parents are not inferior, second-  In Gateway, after successfully   Black or Rochelle Clarkson in
   class citizens?             negotiating the cheese counter, a   the library - we are taking the
     Take the average shopping trip  trolley crashed violently into the   first 15 names only (at least to
   for example.                back of my legs. With no apology   start with!)
    1. Negotiating shop doorway -  whatsoever, the ferocious looking   Some very colourful books to
   inevitably having doors rudely  women at the wheel of the of-  have caught my eye this month
   catapulted against your un- fending vehicle said, "Could you   include Pat Menchini's Beatrix
   suspecting child.           get out of the way?"        Potter Knitting Book' - lots of
   2.  Overcoming obstacle course   After several similar incidents   delightful handknits full of furry
    of shop's interior design - shelves  on our journey down each isle,
    and display stands 'strategically'  we finally reached the check-out
    positioned 18" apart so as to  only to find an acute lack of exits
   exclude prams or obese people  wide enough to take a double-
    from passing through.      buggy. We had two options, the   Soft Water Centre
   3.  Perfecting the art of 'vertical  entrance without a cashier, or
    take-off to pass over those stub- the wheelchair check-out. We   Largest display of water softeners on view in this area!
    born customers who stand motion- opted for the latter only to be   Including: PERMUTIT - DOMEXTRA -
                                                                       SEREIN - PERMO - SOFTSTREAM
    less in front of you, vacant  greeted with a "You can't come               Sales and Service
   expressions, expecting you to  here, this is for the disabled or 10

    move because you have the pram  items or less."               For Free Site Survey Telephone or Write to
   or pushchair.                 By this time I was almost in      MALCOLM TOOGOOD - SWINDON
     The un-acceptable alternative  tears. All this whilst negotiating       853156 (anytime)
   is to leave your children outside  with the 5 year old, retrieving   UNIT, 4 OAKLANDS ENTERPRISES, BRAY DON,
    the shop alongside 'man's best  half the shop's contents from the   Nr. WOOTTON BASSETT, SWINDON. SNS OAN.
    friend' - you know, those hairy  firm grasp of a self-willed toddler
   four-legged creatures who, accord- and attempting to pacify a baby   Sh9wrooms Open Saturday 9.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. OnI
   ing to their owners, "simply love  due for his next breast feed.
   children". "It's alright", they say.   After what I considered to be a
   "He doesn't bite", at the same  traumatic experience (for a new,
    time assuming that everyone en- emotionally vulnerable mother),    Chapel Towse Ltd.
    joys being salivated over together  I vowed never to go out again
   with a blast of hot, smelly dog  until the children had grown up.               Insuraiicc ( 'oisiiltaiils
    breath.                    I could understand totally how
     The message radiating from so  some mums become agrophobic
    many corners of our society seems  and suffer from post-natal   If you own a car or house YOU need insurance.
    to be, 'prams and pushchairs are  depression. The thought of   We would he pleased to discuss your insurance requirements either for
   an inconvenience - if you have  Christmas shopping terrified me.   Personal Insurance or for Commercial Business Insurances.
    young children you're not wel- So on behalf of everyone in a
   come here.'                 similar situation to myself, my   Our advice, like our quotations, is free and you maybe sure will he
      Let me back up this statement  message to shop owners and   competitive.
   with a personal experience   child-free customers alike is:   Do not delay! It could he too late.
     One week after the birth of  "Please, please show a little more
    our child, my husband and I set  consideration and understanding.   LFor  a fast friendly and reliable service ring Swindon 37434.
    off on a nightmare of a shopping  After all, you were all children             CONTRA(F HOUSE BRAMBLE ROAD SWISDON SS2 I-OS
   expedition to Gateway, with our   once."
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