Page 10 - link magazine
P. 10

10                                              SHAW

                                New School opens with fun and games

                               Grand fete marks           Fine weather made the opening  about being blind and wrote
                                                          of Shaw's Brookfield School a  down their ideas," said Mr.
                               official opening of        very enjoyable day for children,  Woodcock.
                               Brookfield primary.        parents and visitors.        "They also made braille pat-
                                                            The school was formally  terns and clay dogs. They were
                                                          opened by Mr. Ralph Wheeler, a  very impressed with Ralph and
                               Left: Balloon salesgirl Laura   friend of headteacher Peter  he was their unanimous choice to
                               Drayton of Shaw.
                                                          Woodcock, who is blind.    visit us again and officially open
                                                            "Ralph visited the school ear- the school."
                               Below: Collin and Sam Davies -   lier in the year and worked with   The whole day was great and I
                               Catboys of Old Shaw Lane   the children. They talked to him   did not mind being soaked."
                                                          Below: Ralph Wheeler with Brookfield Headteacher Peter Woodcock and the
                                                          hobbyhorse team , (I. to r.) Charlotte Dowding, Billy Piper, Ben Mason,
   Driver Centre to                                       Matthew Hampton, Nicloa Dowding, Helen Moore..
   get go ahead from
   The plans to build a Driver Train-
   ing Centre on the tipped land to
   the east of Shaw, north of the
   Renault Centre will be put before
   Thamesdown Council's Plan-
   fling Committee in July and final
   approval is expected by
   Heathrow based HLR Ltd. The
   company will lease the tip for 10
   years from owners Wiltshire   Residents' Assoc.
   County Council, until the land
   has settled enough to allow con- backs need for
   struction.                 community centre
    Although a network of tarmac
   roads was awarded permission  At the last meeting of the associa-
   earlier in the year, an associated  tion those attending were up-  umping potatoe sacks prepare for the race
   proposal to construct an all ter- dated on the status of various
   rain vehicle rough track was  developments going on in Shaw.
   thrown out on the grounds of  New issues were raised regard-
   noise and dust creation. HLR  ing road safety in the area and
   plan to use the tracks for training  also the development of a village
   drivers in handling vehicles in  centre in Sparcells both of which
   difficult conditions.      are now being taken up with the
     As reported in the May Link,  relevant council departments.
   the company submitted revised   As outlined in the last Link
   plans to the June Planning Com- magazine the association wants
   mittee with the rough track lo- to encourage new groups and
   cated further away from houses  help people create a sense of
   in Shaw and Sparcells. They also  community as well as taking up
   included more landscaping and  problems faced by residents.
   committed themselves to laying  Many of you will have read the
   out a cricket pitch with kickwalls  article by Tony Free regarding
   for local footballing youngsters.  the Shaw Community Centre.
     Local councillor Ricky Mid- Shaw Residents Association
   winter, who has fought for im- supports Tony's view and also
   provements in the plans to bene- hopes that more people in Shaw   Deputy Head Mrs. Jackson feels the strain as the tug-o-war team prepares
   fit residents, said that he sup- will recognize the value of being   to pile up on top of itself.
   ported the revised scheme when  involved in their community.
   it went before the planning com- The association is forming a sub-
   mittee, but had also supported  committee to cover issues relat-
   the suggestion for a site visit by  ing to the community centre.
   members of the Planning Com- Anyone interested in getting
   mittee before final approval was  involved in the planning of the
   given.                     centre should contact Mary Mor-
     Coun. Midwinter said that he  gan on 874535.
   had been approached by a group   The next meeting of the asso-
   of people interested in starting a  ciation will be at Shaw Church on
   cricket team on the pitch to be  11th July at 7.45p.m. If you have
   constructed by HLR.        a question to raise, want to find
     -HLR Ltd. also specialises in  out about the area, get involved
   hiring out vintage and war time  in community centre planning or
   vehicles to film companies and  just want to meet other Shaw
   in the longer term may bring  residents please come along, we
   forward a plan to erect a build- will be pleased to see you. In the
   ing where they can be viewed  meantime you can contact me on
   when not on location.      874272.
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