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                                     EDUCATION MATTERS
                        The Importance of Play
    'Learn through play with PPA. 'is the theme being promoted during 1989 by the Pre-School P/a ygro ups Association,
    a national voluntary organ/sat/on concerned with under-fives and their families. Sue Blundell, an area organiser with
    the Thamesdown Branch of the PPA explains how play sets a foundation for a child's later life.
   The PPA believes that 'Playing is   and extending language skills; the  and understand themselves and each
   Learning for Living.' This message is   photo' album is ideal for stimulating  other.
   spread throughout its membership   conversation, developing memory   Children's play will vary according
   of playgroups, parent and toddler   and recall and at the same time,  to their experience, confidence and
   groups and interested individuals,   allowing you the opportunity for a  interest; they are individuals with
   as well as through courses for parents   well-earned 'cuppa.'   their own feelings and desires. It is
   and under-fives workers. It is such   Play has been called 'children's  more relevant to consider the stage a
   an important message that we should   work.' It is how a child grows from  child is at rather than their age. A
   all be spreading the word. The first 5   being totally dependant at birth to a  child may be at differing stages of
   years of life, as research shows, lays   large degree of independence by the  play according to the activity (its
   the important foundations and   age of five. Children are born with an  interest and motivation), the
   patterns for future learning. This   innate curiosity to make sense of the  environment (at home, playgroup,
   makes it imperative that our   world they live in, to explore, discover  unfamiliar group), their mood or the
   children's pre-school experiences are                 time of the day. it is our role as adults
   happy and stimulating.                                to provide a wide variety of play
     Play is significant to the well-being               opportunities in different situations.
   of us all, but for young children, it is                The fun, excitement and
   as essential to their physical,                       stimulation play provides also
   intellectual, emotional and social                    promotes the determination and
   development as food, warmth and                       concentration a child needs to take  Playing with water, one of many ways
   love. To provide for this invaluable                  those first steps, pour a cup of water  of discovering things
   experience, it is not necessary to                    or stick that toilet roll tube in just the other. It helps them build up their
   purchase expensive 'educational                       right place. This highlights another confidence at making decisions and
   toys.'                                                important aspect of play - the 'sense allows them to discover their own
     The home is filled with a wealth of                 of achievement,' a very significant limitations.
   resources: counting the stairs,                       factor in building up a good self-
                                                                                      Playing is certainly 'learning for
   matching the lids, laying the table.                  image and feelings of worth. Play living' and with good foundations
   Turn those household chores into fun:                 allows children the opportunity to laid In the pre-school years and a
   sorting the washing can change a                      set their own rules and standards sensitive approach at school, our
   bored toddler into an eager helper                    which not only improves their children will retain that innate
   with an opportunity to learn about                    chances of success, but also gives curiosity and continue to learn
   colours, matching and sorting.                        them practice at understanding each successfully and happily
   Learning in this relaxed environment
   promotes interest and enthusiasm   The simplest of materials helps a child
   with plenty of scope for practicing    develop basic skills   'Named' at Upper Shaw Farm Playgroup
                                                                Playgroup chairwomen Janet Bazeley explains an
                                                                    innovation introduced at her playgroup
   OUR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE                      After last half-term we introduced of the group, as they proudly wear
              YOUR PEACE OF MIND                         name badges for both the children their playgroup badge. Also the
                                                         and staff. The staff badges feature children can be addressed personally,
      •  FROM A SINGLE WINDOW TO TOTAL REPLACEMENT       the P. P.A. logo, the group name, and even by the parent-helper who might
                                                         of course the wearers name. They be unaware of the child's name; some
                                                         can now be easily spotted when new children being reluctant or unable to
      •  WE OFFER A FULL DESIGN & INSTALLATION SERVICE   parents visit the group.
                                                                                    communicate this information. They
       BY FULLY QUALIFIED CARPENTERS FOR uPVC,             The children greeted their badges are useful too, when the time comes
       HARDWOOD & ALUMINIUM DOUBLE GLAZING               with much curiosity, one little girl to write names on craft work, put on
                                                         picking out her badge immediately! coats and shoes for outside activities
                                                         The badges carry a picture ofasimple or reunite lost items with owners.
                                                         object, begining with the same initial 	The badges are only worn inside
      10 YEAR GUARANTEE- FREE QUOTES WITHOUT OBLIGATION   as their name, alongside their name. the playgroup building where there is
                                                         The aim is to help the child recognise constant supervision. We are only
                       ERMIN            87a ERMIN STREET   their own name and see how the too aware of the possible dangers of
                                                         same letter is used elsewhere. The children wearing name badges when
                                           SWINDON       little girl in question, whose name is mixing with the general public.
                    WINDOWS  TEL.: 824419                Abbie, was quite sure her badge must
                                                                                      The children are delighted with
                                                         be the one with an angel. She was, their badges which they wear with
                                                         of course, quite correct!
                                                                                    pride. They will be lasting momentos
   • .   '.' 	• 	  - 	.
                                              . 	-'• .
             ,. 	. '
                                                           The idea of the badge is two-fold. of the happy times they have spent
                         ..................:.•  •
                 	.•. 	,. 	,
                                                         The children will feel very much part with us.
                                                         Identifying themselves at Upper Shaw Farm Playgroup, from left to right, Lucille
          Raymond Stansfield                             McParland, Jem Scragg, William Peach, Krytal Cinquegrani
             with over 30 years experience.
               Craftsman in Paint and Decor
       SPECIALIST in Paperhanging, Graining, Marble,
              and Decorative Effects & Finishes.     •

              elephone: (0793) 874299
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