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                  Building Bridges                          THAMESWOOD
      by Marian Northam, Student Counsellor at Swindon College
                                                            VETERINARY CLINIC
    I am sure that we have all
                                                            Nicholas Hartley M.A., Vet. M.B. M.R.C.V.S.
    encountered situations in which
    we find ourselves unable to                             West Swindon - Tel: 526780               PMH
    communicate with someone.                               62 - 64 Purton Road.        Bath
                                                            Mon. - Fri. 9am-6.30pm
    Invariably the experience leaves us                                                  oa
                                                            Saturday 9am- 11am                                0
    feeling stressed and frustrated to a                                                         Oe S'4,
    greater or lesser extent depending                      Old Town. Tel: 542300                    *Wootton
    on whom we are trying to                                1 Ashford Road (see map)   'We are          assett  C)
                                                                                      here -, o
    communicate with and how much                           Mon. - Fri. 9am-6.30pm     4. 	 It)
    this communication means to us.                         Fri. 2pm-3pm               IAshford
                                                            Saturday 5.30pm-6.30pm
    Very often we tend to either blame                                                  Road
    ourselves or the other person                           East Swindon. Tel: 511267
    involved making mutual                                  29 Cavendish Square.
    understanding even more difficult
                                                            24 Hour Emergency & Advice Service
    to achieve.
     A recurring complaint from
    adults and teenagers alike is that
                                                                Your Local Conservatory Service
    they do not feel that they can
    communicate with each other.
    Theyfeel that they are on different                                - ¶TheTraithrna( Way
    'wave lengths'.
     If the adults in question are                                                   +
                                                                                        Beautiful hardwoodlUPVC
    parents and the teenagers are their
                                                                                        double glazed conservatories
    children this stalemate can cause a
                                                                                        built to individual requirements
    great deal of distress particularly as
    there is usually a very real desire on   beginning to feel less tied by the         with a 10 year guarantee
    both sides to be listened to and   demands and responsibilities ofcaring         +
                                                                                        Expert design service and
    understood.                 for young children they arc having to                   our own qualified fitters
     The transition from child to adult   cope with unfamiliar situations that
    is inevitable and natural, we all go   seem out of their control and             +   No additional expense required
    through it, however many young   irresolvable.                                      Prices include electrical work,
    people experience considerable   If the lines of communication                      floorboards and relaying your
    emotional upheaval and confusion   between adults and teenagers can be              patio
    during the process and anyone closely   keptopen or even re-established then
                                                                                        Competitive prices. All other
    involved with them may also feel   both sides may experience this period         +
    themselves confused and at times   oftransition as a chance to learn from          quotes bettered by 5%
    unable to cope. For many parents it   each other rather than a test of           +   Free surveys & quotations.
    can feel like walking through a   endurance.                                       Please phone for our latest
    minefield. Relationships which   Whatever our age or role in society   Example 1: UPVC double glazed   brochure pack.
   seemed predictable and harmonious   we all deserve to be respected as   lean-to type conservatory 11 'x8'
   can turn into open warfare almost   individuals, listened to and accepted   £2,800+VAT.  Base extra
    overnight.                 for who we are. At times we may all   Exarrpe 2: Double glazed Victoriana   Met during July  -  FREE
     Parents often feel that their life   feel the need for support and   1 3'xl 1.'  White painted softwood. £3,850  overhead decorative Electric
    experience, their values and even   reassurance. If there is a willingness   md. VAT.  Base extra.   Fan or 25' off blinds
    they themselves are being rubbished   to review and re-assess our   UPVC £4,450 ind. VAT. Base Extra.
    and rejected. They may also feel   perceptions of ourselves, our   The Comptete Conservatory Service
    taken for granted, redundant,   circumstances and those around us
    misunderstood, isolated and often   this can then open the door to a
    very angry, with an overwhelming   better understanding of each other   from Crijsta( Conservatories
   sense of failure. Similarly teenagers   and greater harmony in our
    may feel that their views and values   relationships.    Phone 496179
   are being dismissed as passing phases,   A course designed to explore these
    they often feel patronised, not   issues is presently running at
    listened to, wrapped in cottonwool   Greendown School and will hopefully
   andfrequently confused by their own   be continued in September providing   TO IWVERTI$E III
   conflicting need for both security   there issuflicientinterest. Forfurther   WEST SWPJIDON'S MAGAZINE
   and independence.            information please contact Swindon
     Many parents understandably   871413 (24 hours) or Swindon       TELEPHONE 871793
    resent the fact that just when they are   536744 (evenings).
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