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P. 7

The Link Magazine • August 2001   7
    Changing rooms at Oliver Tomkins
    Special needs children at Oliver Tomkins School now have a new  The UNBEATABLE
    learning centre thanks to the efforts of staff from the Asda store at the  rte ^Car^e
    West Swindon Centre.

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                                                                                          ^^ alth^?TF
    Working together in Wellington Square, front from left, Jean Kent, Shanna       i    ^^  ► ya ro b L, ing^Q
    Campbell, Tatum Wallace, Christopher Thomas, Kim Fraser, Audrey Brophy,
    Jan Kilby, Christine Painter, Lynn Wilson. Middle, Nina Wilson, Tony Atkin,
    Bert Cuthbert, Chris Inglis, Catisha Ash, acting head Elizabeth Wood. Back
    right, Jonathan Himple, headteacher Andrew Pagett, Asda store manager
    Tony Humphries                                                ^,^ Dre   ttc)                224
     As part of Asda's "Get involved  from the Asda Foundation, topped
    for Kids" programme, customers  up to £650 by further donations  4y NOW
    and community groups were asked  from staff, customers and the   X49
    to nominate projects to support  school. Mays Carpets donated the  I    Q
    local kids who would benefit from  floor coverings.
    practical help. Staff then selected  Unlike Changing Rooms there
    one suggestion before rolling up  were no nasty surprises or bits of
    their sleeves and turning out to  wobbly MDF. "We spent a lot of
   make it happen.             time with the school working out     _   111.LLL---                    /
     They voted overwhelmingly for  what their requirements were,"
   a request from Oliver Tomkins  said Jan. "The theme of the room is                      IIllT 9II 100%
   School who asked for 'a dingy  Wellington Square, which is one  " h               —     ir II E 1I SOLID
   mobile to be turned  into an excit-  of their reading schemes. All the                               PINE
   ing learning centre for special  helpers signed a mural of the
   needs children.'            square."                        Wq ^v   wa s   bte4se         Q=h Crof
                                                               =f  N  ^39                    yr  S  C/e ter
     "It was like Changing Rooms  Acting headteacher Elizabeth
                                                              4y      ^^j                   v,^V  aSha;r
   comes to Swindon," said events  Wood said she was delighted with                        4y  VOA
   co-ordinator Jan Kilby. "The school  the results. "What was the darkest  >y                  4
   decided to use a room in the main  room, full of brown furniture, has                           49
   building and we only had four days  been transformed. It's now called                        X         '7
                                                               1 '^  Q ^'  4 !                I` i
   to transform it. The Asda col-  The Green House, because of its  f     o^ o                vTil
   leagues painted the walls, put up  colour and also to suggest chil-
   curtains and shelving, installed  dren growing in their love of read-
   new furniture and made a com-  ing. The mural is fantastic and ties
   fortable reading corner with bean-  in so well with Wellington Square.
   bags. Friends and family were  It really brings the books to life;        Zl^  0  4r CI  ^o ^  p /
   roped in to help out."      the children are very excited about       Iv wa to l
     The project was funded by £300  using it next term."                 ^^ y  N O A J y
    Good triumphs over evil, as usual
                                                                                 fe e   9
   David and Goliath at                                                      '' ` .:.,,e  xt ra bte
   Freshbrook School
   in early July was an
   epic for producer
   Nicola Anderton.                                                                               • •
     Involving years 4,
   5 and 6, the end of                                       Huge choice of Cane                  -
   year musical played
   to three packed audi-                                    Pine &Cane
   ences. It was Nicola's
   first after joining the
                                                              T 1
   school in September,                                     __1 1 ^e   H`  hSt           34 WOOD ST.
   and last before taking                                   Fine & Cane     8             OLD TOWN,
   maternity leave.                                                                        SWINDON
                                                                               ^e  he
   The Philistines and Is-                                       j     nevizesx°aa  I Tel: (01793) 535320
   raelites look on whilst                                   Victoria Rd   Wroughton  —p
   Christi Gillett as David                                 ^ e       ^     EASY      OPEN : Monday to Saturday
   takes on Goliath Naomi                                      M u s eu m . .  in Old Town  9.00am till 5.30pm.
   Henry                                                                             Sunday : 10.30 am till 4.30pm.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12