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P. 5 - 10 years      5
                Legion bikers backed by Arval

             The contemporary pro-active face of the Royal British Legion roared
             into Windmill Business Park on 9 November to meet staff of the Ar-
             val employee charity and accept a cheque for £1,046 on behalf of the
             Legion’s Poppy Appeal.

             Paul Marchment presents the cheque to branch sponsorship coordinator Tony Lewis
              Fifteen bikers from the legion’s   the guys in their leathers and riding
             Riders  Branch  made  the  trip  in  big bikes made us think about the
             advance of riding to London for a  young people now serving in the
             Rememberance Day service at the  military and the work of the legion
             Ace Cafe, the famous bikers gather-  in helping servicemen.”
             ing place in North London.   The money was collected through
              Arval  charity  committee  chair-  dress down days, wearing England
             man  Paul  Marchment  said  the  rugby shirts during the World Cup
             Poppy Appeal was selected as the  and cake sales.
             staff charity for October. “Seeing the   The Riders Branch was formed in
             bikers gave the appeal a different  2004 and now has over 750 mem-
             meaning  for  many  of  us.  Most-  bers. Bikers who did not serve are
             people have a picture of veterans  welcome to join. Details at:
             from the two World Wars, but seeing
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