Page 13 - link magazine
P. 13 • May 2008  13
                   Council website connects motorists as petrol prices set to rise

             With a litre of petrol at £1.07 and diesel now £1.16, and higher prices predicted - compared to an average price of 91.35p a year ago - sharing
             fuel costs could make a real difference to your bank balance.
              Swindon Borough Council  has  the  scheme  means  less                           sharing their daily journey. It takes
             set up a car-sharing scheme which  congestion  and  pollu-                        just a few moments to register and
             offers a network so that people can  tion, and a lower carbon                     you don’t even need to own a car
             match  journey  destinations  and  footprint.                                     to take part. The other great thing
             passengers to help reduce the cost   The  software  behind                        about is that
             of motoring. Register your journey  the system is now used                        you decide when and with whom
             details free of charge at:  in  over  200  car-sharing                   you share. Why not start off by shar-
              schemes  across  the  UK                               ing your journey to work just once
              The system tells you if anyone  with  some  220,000  reg-                        a week and go from there?”
             else is going in the same direction,  istered  members.  This                     Free offer: The first 1,000 people to
             leaving it up to you to make con-  means  users  are  not  restricted  to  are considerable benefits to joining.  register at www.carshareswindon.
             tact  through  a  secure  messaging  sharing in their own area.  “A  typical  com can claim a free cotton shop-
             service.                     Marc Argent, Swindon Council’s  member  can  save  around  £1,000  ping  bag  to  help  Swindon  to  cut
              As well as reducing travel costs,  Travel Awareness Officer, said there  and a tonne of CO2 every year by  down on single use plastic bags.
                                         Leg power rules during W2S week

             Children across Swindon will be urging parents to leave the car at home during a week in May.
              The  campaign  runs  from  19  to  in Swindon; W2S week organisers   Swindon Council’s School Travel  children from various points and
             23  May  and  this  year  focuses  on  hope many more will join in during  Advisor Jane Deeley said, “walk-  accompany them to school along a
             exploring  the  local  environment  the week, and beyond.   ing  is  the  most  environmentally  set route. This gives children the op-
             through  sound.  Pupils  are  being                   friendly  form  of  transport;  it’s  a  portunity to enjoy all the benefits of
             asked to become ‘sound detectives’                    great way to keep fit and healthy  walking - healthy exercise, fun and
             and pay special attention to the dif-                 and can offer children a degree of  friendship whilst safely supervised
             ferent types of street noise they hear                independence.”              by responsible adults.
             as they walk to school.                                 Those families who live a long   Jane said that parents also benefit
              Some 50 Swindon schools have                         way from school, or drop off chil-  from walking buses as it gives them
             signed up to take part. Pupils will                   dren on the way to work, can join  a little extra time in the morning
             all receive activity packs, and many                  in one of the many ‘Park & Stride’  without the hassle of driving and
             schools  are  arranging  assemblies,                  schemes, where arrangements have  parking  at  school,  although  they
             competitions and special events to                    been made for parents to park safely  can offer to help out with the bus
             get over the message that walking is                  off-road in a local car park a short  when possible.
             both healthy and safe for children.                   walk from the school gate.   For details call Jane Deeley on
              Currently around 60 per cent of                        Some  schools  are  also  setting  466335.
             children regularly walk to school  Greenmeadow kids show how it’s done  up walking buses, which pick up

               Ready steady cook at Millbrook

             Youngsters and their parents jumped at the chance to taste frogs legs
             when  chefs  from  Swindon  College  visited  Millbrook  Primary  in
             Freshbrook for a live cooking roadshow at the end of term.
              The evening began
             with a brief introduc-
             tion  to  the  healthy
             eating  programme
             for schools from chef
             lecturer,  Steve  Mat-
             thews,  followed  by
             a cooking demonstra-
             tion. Two of his fellow
             lecturers, cooking on
             portable  gas  stoves,
             made  pasta  with
             pancetta,  leek  and
              To encourage peo-
             ple to be more adven-
             turous  in  their  food
             choices,  the  chefs
             brought out frogs legs   College lecturers Paul Kelly and Sian Vockins with
             which  were  passed   eager young cooks from Millbrook Primary
             round  for  inspection  before  they  lected children to whip up a wild
             were cooked.               mushroom  risotto  and  chicken
              ”A lot more people than I expect- with  stir  fried  vegetables  which
             ed tried the frogs legs,” said Mill-  was then tasted by members of the
             brook’s healthy school co-ordinator,  audience.
             Eileen Pringle. “I didn’t though; I   Ms Pringle said she was looking
             couldn’t get the image of frogs in  forward  to  the  Swindon  College
             my garden out of my mind.”  chefs returning to do some cooking
 TRAVELWISE  with a Ready, Steady, Cook chal-  hold another Ready, Steady, Cook
              The  evening  was  rounded  off  with the children, and would like to
             lenge.  Chefs  were  joined  by  se- event in the future.
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