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Community News

             Calling the town together as a

             welcoming, supporting place

             Swindon City of Sanctuary, which
             launches on Thursday 13 October,
             aims to build a culture of inclusion
             and hospitality towards refugees and
             asylum seekers living in the town.  As no event around the world
              The Swindon coordinators want   can take place without sharing
             citizens to sign a pledge to help the  food, there will be delicious nibbles
             town become offically recognised   cooked by Harbour visitors.
             by the UK wide City of Sanctuary   Swindon Cos chair Nicola Johnson
             (CofS) movement which awards   said: “We hope to bring our
             towns and cities with sanctuary   community together, to look at each
             status once a community is actively  other as individuals who all have
             helping refugees to feel included   so much to contribute, no matter
             within their communities.  where we are from.”
              There are three different pledges:                                                            Ends 31st Oct 2016
             for individuals, for schools and
             one for businesses and community
             organisations. You can do this at:
              The launch at The Platform,   Thursday 13 - Saturday 15 October
             Faringdon Road, will be the first   A new multi-cultural arts festival
             event of Harbour Fest - see right.   to bring communities together, and
              The evening will include short   raise awareness and funds for the
             talks by the founder of City of   Harbour Project which welcomes
             Sanctuary, Swindon Amnesty,   and supports newly-arrived refugees
             Swindon CoS and The Harbour   and asylum-seekers.
             Project. It will be followed by   Events include a film night and
             performances celebrating the   world music disco party, a Big Gig
             diversity of cultures in the town,   Night and pop-up art show.
             through entertainment by Kurdish   Book tickets for all events at:
             singers, spoken word of refugees
             journey, folk singing and more.   harbour-fest-swindon

                                                                                       n October 2016  9

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