Page 24 - link magazine
P. 24


             WHERE IS                                      ON THE BEAT                      CRIME

    KERRY CLOSE?                                                                     Despite what newspapers may
                                                                                     say, elderly people are NOT more
                                                                                     likely to become the victims of
     West Swindon is a bit of a
   maze, even those who know it                                                      crime. But it is important to take
                                                                                     a few sensible precautions, par-
   well would agree. But if the road                                                 ticularly with callers at the door.
   you live in does not have a street                                                This is the view of Sergeant John
   sign, you are lost to the world.                                                  Wickham, Swindon's Crime Pre-
     Try finding Kerry Close in
   Ramleaze, Shaw. Turn off                                                          vention Officer based at Swindon
                                                                                     Police Station.
   Ramleaze Drive into Tamworth                                                        "The majority of callers will be
   Drive which is circular, and round   "It's amazing the number of
   and round you go. Kerry Close is  people who cannot find us,                      quite genuine, but there are some
   somewhere in there.         its very inconvenient," added                         who are out to steal or 'con'
                                                                                     you out of your money", says
     A year after the houses were   Michael Burns, who also lives in
   occupied, there is still no sign of   Kerry Close.                                Sergeant Wickham.
                                                                                       "It's a very good idea to have a
   a sign. "We spoke to Wimpeys   Tina Taylor, on the left, has a   PC 920 VINCENT   security chain on your door, put
   who built the houses and they  straightforward answer, "Its only  Beat area - THE WEST   it on before you open it, and if
   said it was the council's job,"  a simple little road sign, it would
                                                          SWINDON CENTRE &  you're not sure about the caller,
   said Kevin Crowley, pictured on  only take two seconds to put up.                 don't." He goes on to describe
   the right, who contacted The  I wish somebody would get on   THE LINK CENTRE      the kind of people who are out to
   Link.                       with it."
                                                          PC Sid Vincent is 30 years of age,  'con' you.
                                                          married and lives in a small village   "The bogus 'official'. Seem-
    SWINDON SEAT BELT CENTRE       Britannia              near Marlborough.          ingly respectable and smartly
                                                                                     dressed, he may claim to be from
                                                            He comes from a farming back-
                  IF YOU       Towing Centre              ground and was employed as a  the council, the water board or
                  LOVE                                    gamekeeper prior to joining the  some other organisation. He may
                                                          Wiltshire Constabulary in 1975.   even claim to be a solicitor. But
                  YOUR                                     All his Police service has been  his real purpose is to trick his way
                  KIDS,       specialist towbar           in Swindon, five years of which  into your home to see what he
                                                          was in the divisional control  can steal.
                  BELT          and accessory             room.                        The bogus 'dealer' may offer
                                                           At present his beat is the West  to buy your furniture or other
                  'EM!           fitting centre.          Swindon Centre and the Link  items at what may seem to be a
                                                          Centre. He has covered this area  good price. But chances are that
                                                          for two years, where the main  he is trying to trick you into
                                                         problems are shoplifting and  parting with something at well
                                                         public order.               below its true value.
                                                           His hobbies include fly fishing,   If you want to sell something
                 Unit 16, Station Industrial Estate,
              Sheppard Street, Swindon. Tel. 613147      foxhunting and game shooting.   try to get it properly valued by a
                                                                                     genuine dealer or ask a friend or
        C &C        WINDOW& DOOR CENTRE                        TITCOMBE              relative for their advice.
                                                                                       The bogus 'workmen'. They
                                                                 10k RUN             may say that they need to come
      An exciting New Extension to our product range:
                                                                5th JULY             in to check something, or make
                 THE NEW HOME MAKER                                                  urgent repairs. Again, they really
                                                           The second annual West    want to come in to steal.
     •  No fuss, no mess installation;                   Swindon 10 kilometre run will   You also need to be careful
       usually installed within two                      take place on Sunday 5th July.   with callers who offer to make
       days.                                             Sponsored by Titcombe Garages   building repairs or lay tarmac
     •  We take care of all planning and                 of West Swindon, Unigate    drives. Often they will ask for
       building regulations, including                   Dairies and the Total Fitness   money in advance and then simply
       laying of base.                                   sports shop, the run is being  disappear, or do a third-rate job
     •  Wide range of sizes and
       designs.                                          organised by Swindon Road   very expensively.
     •  Sturdy rigid design, quality                     Runners, who are also organising   If you need to have any build-
       materials, built to last. Warm, no                a Children's Fun Run.       ing work done it makes sense to
       maintenance uPVC, double                            The adult race for over sixteens   get several written quotes first
       glazed windows and doors.               /         starts at 11 am, from Lydiard   from reputable firms and then
     •  Heavy duty double skin acrylic or polycarbonate roof available.   Park, passes through Freshbrook,   decide which is the best.
     •  Clear acrylic roof allows suntanning rays to penetrate or optional   Grange Park, Shaw and returns   Remember, genuine callers will
       bronze tint cuts glare.                           to the park via Lydiard Millicent.   normally make an appointment
     •  Hinged single door or new tilt and slide patio door available.   A limit of 600 runners has been   first, and will carry identification.
                                                         set and application forms are   If you are suspicious, phone
                          Stockists of;                  available from Total Fitness,
          Swish, Tufcon, Deeplas, Maintenance Free uPVC Claddings,                   your local police station and tell
               Facias, Soffit, Skirting and Window Trims.   Morley Street, Swindon and Terry   them what has happened. It's
                         Also available:                 Warner Sports in Commercial   better to be safe than sorry".
          COMPLETE RANGE WINDOWS AND DOORS IN uPVC AND   Road.                        Sergeant Wickham is available
                         ALUMINIUM                         The Children's Fun Run will
          C & C WINDOW & DOOR CENTRE                                                to provide advice to all sections
                                                         take place within Lydiard   of the community. He can be
         54 STATION ROAD, SWINDON. Tel 643866            Country Park and starts at 10a.m.   contacted on 28111 ext. 4137.
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