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west Swindon's                                   ChaneWear
                                         Magazine                                     Furniture

                                                                                   OFFICE FURNITURE
                                               THE                                       BE "SAFE"

                                                                                                  Safes with
                                      LINK:                                                   combinations
                                                                                                    only £99

                                                                                    17-20 HIGH STREET
                                      No. 86. May 1989 . Circulation 10,000         WOOTTON BASSETT
                                                                                          Tel: 853887

   Beauty in the eye of the beholder                                                  Looking 100

   Like it or hate it, what goes on                                                   years into the
   inside the Link Centre is more                                                     future
   important than its appearance
   according to centre co-ordina-                                                     Link Mag. to go
   tor John Fisher.                                                                   underground for 21st
     The four year old £11 million
   multi-purpose recreation and                                                       Century readers
   community centre was nomi-                                                         The Mayor of Thamesdown
   nated as one of Britain's ugliest                                                  Coun Jim Cordon will conduct a
   buildings by viewers of the                                                        ceremony on 1 May that will be
   BBC's Daytime Live magazine                                                        repeated in reverse in 2089.
   programme in April.                                                                 He will place items suggested
     "Whether you like it or not,                                                     by local children in a time cap-
   the Link Centre is impressive                                                      sule to be buried by the lakes at
   and unusual," said John. "A                                                        the West Swindon Centre.
   'traditional' brick structure                                                        Also included will be micro-
   would not have allowed the                                                         filmed copies of West Swindon's
   enormous internal spaces which                                                     magazine  The Link  and the
   can be used so flexibly. It would                                                  Swindon Evening Advertiser.
   have been far more expensive;                                                       Christine Duddy of the Prop-
   all the money would have gone   and swimming pool look like?   • Book now for the courses in   erty 3 Managing Agency, who
   into the walls and roof and there   "We think the quality of serv-  the new Link Centre pro-  are organising the event, gave
   would have been nothing for   ice and the range of opportuni-  gramme -details at the centre.   an assurance that the capsule
   equipment.                  ties people have to participate in   • How did the Link Centre get   will be well secured. "We have a
     "What should a building with   different activities are the most   Its name? The answer is on   specially designed, air and mois-
   a library, arts studio, commu-  important aspects of the Link   page 3 of every edition of The   ture proof container ready. It will
   nity rooms, ice-rink, sports hail   Centre."           Link Magazine.              be placed in a lined casing and
                                                                                      embedded in concrete three feet
   £800 cash to local groups                                 Many thanks              underground.
                                                                                       "The idea emerged after we
   Fifteen West Swindon community organisations benefitted from   for your help       were asked to resite and look
   money raised from a birthday celebration in February. One group   Nearly 500 people have sent   afterJon Buck's sculptures called
   received £100 and the rest had £50 each donated to their activities.   in the questionnaire pub-  Looking to the future.' The
     The Trawlerman Takeaway at the West Swindon Centre cele-  lished in last month's Link.   theme represents a positive atti-
   brated its fifth year of trading in February by donating 10% of a   Are there anymore to come   tude towards the continued
   weeks's sales to local organisations. This was matched by its parent   back? We're extending the   successful growth of West Swin-
   company Coach Caterers (Southern) Ltd. making a total of £800.   closing date  until 8 May   don as a place where future
   Groups were invited to apply for the cash through The Link.   especially for  latecomers.   generations of people will live."
     At a cheque giving ceremony on 15 April attended by representa-  Please return them soon.   The sculptures have been
   tives of local groups, Mr. Ian West, Coach Caterers Operations   You could         moved from Westlea Park where
   Manager said that The Trawlerman had done very well since it   win   Z50           they were the target of vandal-
   opened. "We feel it is important to put something back into the area.              ism. Jon Buck has been repair-
   West Swindon is a large, thriving community with lots of people   in the grand prize draw.   ing the three figures known lo-
   doing good works. There's a terrific feel about it and we're pleased               cally as 'The Bathers.'
   to help local people make it even more successful."     Who are you going to        The Mayor will unveil the
     Mr. West also congratulated The Link for keeping people in touch   vote for in the   sculptures and bury the time
   with each other and promoting community spirit.                                    capsule at 12.30p.m. on May
                       Story continues with photograph on page 19   County Council    Day. The ceremony will be fol-
                                                                                      lowed by Maypole Dancing, free
             Hillsborough Help                             Elections on May 4?        funfair rides and the chance to
       Cut 'n Dry Unisex Salon at Shaw Village Centre is       Read what the          go up in a tethered Royal Mail
      holding a marathon hair cutting session in aid of the                           hot air balloon. The proceeds of
                                                                                      donations in return for the rides
                Hillsborough Disaster Appeal.               candidates say about      will go to the West Swindon
         From 2p.m. on Saturday 29 April for 24 hours.         themselves on          Family Project.
          Come and have your hair cut for the cause.
             Donations taken in lieu of hair do's.               page 4 & 5.          • Microfilm help - page3
                                                                                      • Jon Buck photo - page 23.
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