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representatives on Wiltshire County Council

                               Freshbrook Ward

                        - including Freshbrook & Grange Park
         Simon Cordon              David Oakensen             Freda Troughton
                SDP                    Labour Party            Conservative Party

                                                                                           R.T. Fancy

                                                                                              Gardener in
      Simon Cordon has been  David is a 35 year old chartered  I hope those of you who were   West Swindon
      Freshbrook and Grange Park's  accountant who first worked in  living in Freshbrook at the time
      County Councillor since 1985,  Swindon eighteen years ago.  of the Local Election last May will   20 years of experience.
      and Borough Councillor since  Returning to live here, he shares  remember my name and how
      1986. Simon is respected as an  the concerns of older and nw  narrowly I lost in spite of   Turfing, Paving,
      independent-minded local  residents alike. We have a past to  predictions by other Political   Fencing,
      councillor, with a proven record  preserve and a future to build. In  Parties; to those who have   Planting new Gardens
      of commitment to our area.   these tasks County services like  recently moved into the Ward, I   Rockery Construction,
        At County Hall Simon is a  schools, roads and police are  am the Conservative candidate
      member of the SDP and Democrat  essential and need to be  for Freshbrook in the forthcoming   Pergolas etc.
      administration that has run  maintained at high standards.   County Council elections on May   New gardens
      Wiltshire for the past four years.   Schools in the area have never  4th.
        Simon Cordon says:       matched the numbers of children.   I believe in Law and Order and   TEL: 875174
        "Education, Law and Order  Bussing and those dangerous  for supporting those who enforce
      and Care for the Elderly have  walks without crossing patrols  it. I am also interested in getting
      been our top priorities.   will end when we have a Labour  good value for money as far as   r      FIRES
        Locally, 'rising five' year olds  county council.   rates are concerned, I like to know
      are now guaranteed classroom   Many services are supplied to  where my money is going!               'I
      places, Windmill Hill School has  the elderly. These must not be   The SDP are 'History'. They   CONNECL
      been opened, Greendown is being  run down or sold off.   have no coherent policy, and have
      extended, there are now crossing   Traffic jams into Swindon  managed to 'MISMANAGE'
      patrols at Oliver Tomkins and  centre could be eased if  Wiltshire County Council with
      Freshbrook, West Swindon has  development plans were subject  the SUPPORT of the Socialists,
      all-night street lighting, our fire  to road requirements. And why  resulting in the massive 11% rate
      station is to open within a year  shouldn't the developers pay for  rise.
      and our elderly are receiving  them?                    An ineffective (Quote - SDP
      more care in the community.   As the Labour candidate David  Election Special No.38)
        Countywide, the cutting out of  Oakensen wants the services that  'Independent minded local
      council waste and bureaucracy  local people want. Efficient  Councillor' is not what
      has led to savings of over £9  management of the costs should  Freshbrook needs or deserves.
      million per year."         be taken for granted. Local  Conservative County Councils
                                 government is neither a business  work better with Conservative
                                 nor a charity. It is a level of service  Governments.
      Fete                       and cost chosen by the voters.   will help me on May 4th to put   7p Max
                                                                                         4pIn per hour
                                                              I most sincerely trust that you
                                                                                         THE OPEN EFFECT GAS FIRE WITH
                                                            Wiltshire County Council in
                                                                                         RADIANT AND CONVECTED HEAT
                       loon Race                            better hands.                THIS REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT
                                                                                         IN HEATING YOUR HOME IS
                      Windmill Hill School, Freshb                                       SUPPLIED COMPLETE WITH THE
                                                                                         LATEST FOCAL POINT FIRE
                               Saturday 13 May, 2pm                                      APPROVED FLAME FAILURE
                                                                                         FITTED WITH BRITISH GAS
                         GWR Majorettes, Pony Rides, Inflatable, Fire Engine, Police Car S Ils,   DEVICE AND SPARK IGNITION
                            Inter-School 5 a-side, Locobus, Stalls Galore, Refreshments, t o   OUTPUT UP TO 3Kw
                           raffles including one for a ball signed by Swindon Town players.   Available locally from
                                                                                         Heating Systems Ltd.
                             Scone Making Competition - Pick up a recipe from the School   14 The Orbit Centre
                                                                                         Ashworth Road
                    Balloon Race sponsored by British Gas (South Western)                Great Western Way
                     Helicopter ride for the balloon which travels furthest              Tel: 612060
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