Page 26 - link magazine
P. 26

26                                                      Letters should be sent by 16th of the month to The Link
                    Letters to The Link                    13 Castle Dore, Freshbrook, Swindon SN5 8PQ
   Dogs                                                    Not suitable for children   Jellytots Playgroup, Shaw
   From J Strutton, Rochford Close,   how would you react. You may   From Mrs C Baker, Sidney Close,   From Mrs Budd, Fundraising Officer
   Grange Park                 not like it, but go along with it, or   Grange Park    I would like to express my thanks
   I really must complain about the   you may react and strike out. all a   Ever since the new MGM cinema,   to the following, who donated
   letter from K Stevenson in the last   dog can do is accept, run or bite. A   Shaw Ridge was opened, my son   prizes forJellytots Playgroup Grand
   issue of The Link. Whilst I support   dog's eyes are rather closer to the   knew exactly what his birthday   Summer Draw on 12 June.
   you giving a balanced view and   top of the head than ours, soft can   treat would be this year a trip to   British Rail Western Region,
   airing both sides of the argument, I   seem that a strange hand is head-  the cinema with two of his friends.   Bluebird Toys Ltd, W H Smith
   do fear that the 'facts' quoted are   ing for it's eyes. How do you react   We waited patiently until the   Group plc, Early Lea rning Centre,J
   misleading.                 if fingers look as if they are about to   week before his birthday, and rang   Sainsbury plc,JCRNew5 &Food of
     The issue about Toxocara Canis   be poked into your eyes?   the cinema, but they couldn't tell   Shaw, Halifax Building Society.
   roundworm is much exaggerated,   Whena dog feels uncertain about   us what films were going to be   I would also like to thank all
   whilst in truth the risk is infinitesi-  something, it wags its tail. This is a   shown until the next Monday   those people who supported this
   mally small. As is pointed out in   very confusing piece of dog body   which didn't help us at all in our   fundraising effort by selling and
   the letter, children can be super-  language; to us anyway; the dog   organisation of this trip.   buying raffle tickets.
   vised and educated; therefore they   has it all figured out. Therefore a   In the end my husband called in
   can be instructed not to touch any   wagging tail means nothing, all it   to the cinema, and manage to as-
   dog mess they see and to wash   means is the dog is still working   certain what was on, and to our   The Link
   their hands should they be unfor-  out what how you relate to it and   horror the very week we wanted a   Classifieds
   tunate enough to get it on them. If   how it should react to you. Any   PG film suitable for an 8 year old,   Lineage ads cost £3.50 per single
   it is suspected that a child or adult   dog owner will tell you, that a dog   there was nothing suitable going   column centimetre inc. VAT.
   has been infected, then a doctor or   will be wagging it's tail the most,   to be shown.   Cash with advert to The Link, 13
   pharmacist can offer a quick rem-  when it has just done something   My son was very upset that his   Castle Dore, Freshbrook, Swindon
   edy forall roundworm infestations.   that it should not have an is un-  plans for his birthday treat had
   It is only dangerous if leftuntreated.   certain about what will happen   been totally disrupted and we felt   Childminder needed in Westlea
     Toxacara can remain dormant in   when the owner (or pack leader),   it was ratherbad planning that out   Full time for Ben  (2%)  and after-
   a female dog, until the hormone   finds out.            of 7 screens one couldn't have had   school and holidays for Sam (51&).
   changes in pregnancy cause them   When we see a dog that we like,   a film suitable for this age group,   Mid-July start. Tel. Jackie or Ian on
   to become active, which is how   we smile and show our teeth. A   even if it had been an old favourite   547834/547841  office hours, or
   they are passed on to the puppies.   dog shows its teeth as a threat, so   and not a new block buster.   872158 home.
   However, treatment at the early   when we smile at a strange dog, to   With due respect to the Manager
   stage of pregnancy and again after   the dog, we are making a threat!   and Duty Managers who were at   Vacancy
   birth for bitch and puppies is 100%   This is a very common way for   all times very understanding and   The Link Magazine is looking for
   effective. The brochure referred to   children to be attacked. They see a   as helpful as possible, there was   somebody to help with distribution
   in the letter was produced by a   nice doggie, rush at it smiling and   really nothing they could suggest   of the magazine to the street
   drug company wishing to sell its   the poor dog thinks it is about to be   to save the day, as it were, as they   distributors. We need one or two
    wares. Fear is the best motivator to   attacked, so it fights back.   really didn't have any say on what   people to cover the whole of West
   get people buying your product   Finally, am I alone in thinking   films were going to be shown.   Swindon. Time involved approx. 2
   and the drug companies must rate   that what we have gained in a ma-  We feel thatthis should be looked   to 4 hours a month. Car or van
   as about the worst users of this   terial way, we have lost in tolerance   at closely in the future, because the   essential. Map provided.
    method. Any vet, pet shop of   and respect. Dog bits a child and   children of today will be the ones   Details of job and payfrom 872282.
   chemist can provide a choice of   the mob call for all 'mad dogs' tobe   that make orbreak cinema going in
   effective products to worm any   done away with. Man uses dogs   the future. If they are put off now,
   dog; or any animal for that matter.   for horrific experiments, nothing   then they won't want to bother so   CARS WANTED
     As to registration: how can that   short of torture, and is said. If our   much in the future.
    prevent these problems? Cars are   social structure is measured by the             M.o.T. failures, Scrap
    registered and so are the drivers,   way we treat animals, other hu-  Flower thief   or Accident Damaged
    buthowmanyaccidentsanddeaths   mans and our planet, then we are   From Mrs A C Watkins, Moresby
   are caused by people with motor   in a sorry state. Perhaps if we   Close, Westlea   Anything considered
    vehicles who are never brought to   moved froma state of self to  state   I hope the despicable thief who   Tel: 480527
   account?                    of selflessness, we could all live   stole my pensioner mother's
     I would favour a registration   more peacefully.      hanging basket from outside her
   scheme, not for dogs, but for own-                      front door in Affleck Close, in
    ers. Like a driving licence, you                       Toothill on Sunday 16 June, gets   Sandys Silk Bouquets
    should have to learn about the ani-  Cats are a problem also   his or her just desserts.   made to the price
    mals and understood how to man-  From  I  Sayers, Toothill   With limited spare cash and lots of   you can afford.
    age them, before you can own one.   We seem to keep getting letters in   time on her hands, one of her only
    all dogs are descended from the   the daily press and also in The Link   pleasures was planting and main-  Baskets, Posies, Headdress's
    Wolf and have a very complex so-  about dogs and the health hazard   taining this basket, which also   at your price, not the Shops
    cialbehaviour. Understanding that   from their mess namely 'Toxocara'   brightened up an otherwise 'flow-  Tel: Sandy 0793 875665
    behaviour is key to owning a well   but nothing ever seems to be said   erless' street. What is the point of
    behaveddog Dogs react tohumans   about cats and their mess, left in   trying to make such an effort? I
    as other dogs, which is why chil-  everybody elses gardens except   hope the thief will suffer pangs of   Clothing Alterations & Repairs
    dren can prove very confusing to   their own.          conscience, so much so that he, or   Tel: 872096
    them. Children have jerky unco-  Cats mess also contains a para-  she will return the basket to its   Mrs White, Freshbrook
    ordinated movements and high   site 'Toxoplasmagondll' which I   rightful place.
    pitched voices, which can make a   believe can harm unborn children
    dog either feel threatened or as-  if an expectant woman gets any on   Oliver Tomkins   Holiday Cottage,
    sume that it is prey; especially when   her skin perhaps when gardening                    Devon
    there is more than one dog around.   in her own garden. I have also read   Playgroup Fete   Comfortable cottage sleeps
    The wolf pack instinct takes over   that this parasite can live in the soil   Sat 6 July   4/5 in pretty village in
    and an avoidable attack occurs.   for up to 14 months.       lOam - 2pm              Dartmoor National Park.
     Children should be taught not to   So pleaseall you peopleout there
                                                             Oliver Tomkins Under 5s   Details available on request.
    approach any dog without the   who like to keep picking on dogs   Centre, Kiln Park,     Sorry no pets.
    owners permission. If I went to pat   just remember cats are just as big a   off Beaumaris Road, Toothill   Phone 081 868 8478.
    you on the head without asking,   health hazard.
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