Page 27 - link magazine
P. 27

Appeal to Sparcells dog owners                                                           27
   Youngsters in Sparcells are appeal-
   ing to dog owners to keep their dogs
   away from their football pitch.                                                      MECHANIC
     The kids aged 9 to 14 have erected
   their own goal posts on the open
                                                                                      WE COME TO YOU
   space behind Sparcells Community
   Centre and use it whenever they                                                    • Non-Starts •Servicing .Tuning
   can. Before playing they inspect the                                                • M.O.T. Work .Breakdowns
   rough ground for dog droppings.                                                          *Electrical Faults
   They always find lots of piles of                                                    L-1
                                                                                            *Clutches fitted
   faeces just where they play and cover
   them with stones.
     "It's a big problem here," said
   spokesman Cohn White of
   Sandwood Close. 'The muck gets                                                      No Garage Prices or Waiting
   on our shoes, the ball and our clothes.                                               Please Telephone
   We see owners walking their dogs   Some of the users, standing from left, Paul Steele, Daniel Plumb, Thomas Day, Craig   876211 ANYTIME
   down by the stream, but there are a   Ratcliffe, Richard Plumb,NickMcCrae, Edward Brown. Front, Markand Colin White
   few who always let their dogs foul
   just where we play. Its a big field   "They would think we're a bit   Ecumenical Parish of
   and they could try to make sure   cheeky if weasked them," said Colin.                       Freshbrook
                                                               West Swindon
   their dogs go on the edge."   "But it would be good if they could                          tIZI
     Wanting to avoid confrontation   control their dogs more. It's not   &  The Lydiards
   and possibly abuse, the youngsters   only us. Lots of dads come out here   Anglican, Methodist,   Worsley Road
   have not spoken to any dog owners.   with much younger children."   U.R.C., Baptist.      Will give YOU
                                                           Toothill                        a warm welcome
                                                            Rev. Ian Handscomb 693384
                                                                                       Sunday lOam
    Making space in                                         Rev. Anne Thomas 496421    Family Praise with children's
                                                           St. Mary's L.Tregoze for
    your minds for                                         Freshbrook & Grange Park    Covenanter Movement & creche
                                                            Rev. Tony Price 870244     6.30pm  Evening Worship and
   HIV and AIDS                                            Westlea                     Communion
   A charity created for people in   growth in the numberof people who   Rev. John Flory 770217 t   For details of mid-week meetings,
                                                           Shaw and Sparcells          house groups and other
   Swindon whose lives have been af-  are HIV infected is amongst hetero-
                                                            Rev. Keith Boxall 770568   activities, telephone
   fected by HIV infection and people   sexual women.                                  Rev. Peter Grainger on 490498.
   with AIDS is battling against preju-  "Nowadays HIV and AIDS is not   Rev. Helen Drummond 874372
                                                           t also All Saints, L. Millicent   Church Office, Tel: 873050
   dice and misinformation.    confined to any one sector of the
     Set up eighteen months ago,   population," says Tom. "Child or
   SPACE - the Swindon Project for   adult, straight or gay, male or fe-
   AIDS Counselling and Education -   male, black or white, old or young,   Morrison & Masters
   offers a range of services on a confi-  doing drugs or not can all become
   dential and non-judgemental basis   infected. It comes as a hell of a shock   TOWN SQUARE, WEST SWINDON CENTRE.
   including                   and it is often a very isolating ex-
   • an anonymous helpline     perience. Imagine not being able to       TELEPHONE 870055
   • a drop in centre where people can   tell anybody because you think            for
   receive support and can be put in   you'll be out of a job, or your family   House Sales and Purchases & all Property Work
   touch with other services   will disown you. That's what we're
   • an information serviceaboutHlV,   all about, advice and information   (written estimates given)
   AIDS and practicing safer sex   and space to work out your    Divorce, Criminal and all Court work
   • training on HIV and AIDS   thoughts."
   awareness, sex and sexuality.   SPACE has a team of loyal, confi-       Wills and Probates
     Those infected with the virus as   dential volunteers who will talk,
                                                              WEST SWINDON'S ONLY SOLICITORS!
   well as their partners, wives, fami-  listen and assist in any way. The
   lies and friends all have access to   organisation also has strong links
                                                              Also at 20 Commercial Road, Swindon. Telephone: 526601
   SPACE.                      with a network of professionals for
                                                               and 69a Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill. Telephone: 481602
     The organisation has been find-  further help.
   ing it slow getting their message   HIV does not discriminate be-e
   across to Swindon people for a   tween
                              tween the sexually active and unless
   number of reasons according to its   people become more aware of this,   DESPERATE? LONELY? SUICIDAL?
   coordinator Tom Harris. "It's very   its spread will not be checked. Tom
                               Harris puts it more starkly. "Be-
   difficult to know how many people   cause the HIV virus can lie dormant  The
   in Swindon may be affected by HIV
   or AIDS because we think many   for a longtime, there are now more
   travel to London or Bristol for tests.   people with the HIV virus who don't   Samaritans
   The low numbers visiting the genito-  know they've got it, than those who
   urinary medicine department at   do. If people are sexually active,   You don't have to be suicidal to share
   PMH is part of the reason for setting   then they need to practice safe sex.
   up SPACE."                 They cannot know who has or who   your problems with us. Phone anytime
     Although AIDS is a new phe-  does not have the HIV virus."   day or night, or call into
   nomena, another reason is the na-  To get in touch with SPACE, the   6 Curtis Street, Swindon
   tional deep-seated belief amongst   Centre at 172 Victoria Road is open   betweeen 8am & 10pm.
   the 'straight' population that HIV   midday to 6pm Monday, Tuesday
   and AIDS only affects gay people   and Thursday and the telephone   the Samaritans
   and drug users. Nothing could be   helpline is open 7pm to 9pm Tues-
                                                            Swindon 537373
   further from the truth and a recent   day and Thursday. The telephone
   report should that the largest rate of   number is 420620.
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