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The Link Magazine • October 2001
     "We have not got it right and we're sorry," Sue
        Bates, leader, Swindon Borough Council
           Devastating report on                                       CAN E
     Swindon education authority

   Poor relations between senior officers and schools, marked by       ^FFERSi
   inadequate leadership, confusion, uncertainty and a lack of trust,
   underpin a highly critical report of Swindon as an education
   authority, by government education inspectors Ofsted, in con-
   junction with the Audit Commission, released on 14 September.
     As a result, senior officers re-  consultation. ..thereby obscuring
   main in post, with support from  the essential accountabilities.'
   staff seconded from Hampshire,  Strategy is not communicated ef-
   but councillor Chris Eley, cabinet  fectively and in key areas such as
   member for education, has re-  school places, special needs and
   signed.                    provision of behaviour support,
     Despite the fact that two thirds  Swindon is performing unsatisfac-
   of Swindon schools are assessed  torily.
   by Ofsted as good or very good, in  'All in all the partnership with
   stark, savage statements, the re-  schools is far from secure.' This
   port rips through any pretence that results in high levels of confusion,
   Swindon has run education well  suspicion and mistrust which con-  Our Palm suite  was      NOW ONLY
   since it took over responsibility on  sumes headteacher's energies and  3 piece           £679
   becoming a unitary authority in  deflects them from their essential
   1997. 'The high                         task of raising
   ambitions and                           standards in
   sense of optimism'                      schools.
   at the time is                           However, some
   marked by the fail-                     services and indi-
   ure'to establish the                    viduals are well
   transparent and                         regarded, but
   effective decision-                     their effect is di-
   making structures                       luted by the poor
   that would enable                       performance in
   them to translate                       other areas. Func-
   high ambitions                          tions discharged
                                           well include early
   into reality.
     'Difficult deci-  Sue Bates, reading the report  years education,
   sions have had to                       financial support
   be taken. The reasons for arriving  services, the literacy strategy, sup-
   at them have not always been clear  port to school governors, and sup-
   to schools. This, together with the  port to raise attainment of chil-
   frequent failure to use funding to  dren in public care.
   best effect, has engendered a cli-  The council has until 22 Decem-
   mate of mistrust. Schools do not ber to produce an action plan in
   believe that consultation influences  response to the 46 recommenda-
   decision making. Their trust in  tions in the report, which satisfies
   elected members has been dam-  the Department for Education and
   aged, perhaps more than is en-  Skills. If not, it could lose its educa-
   tirely warranted, by the belief that  tion function.
   members interfere too much and  Council leader Sue Bates said
   that officers lack the ability to pro-  that the report had been accepted
   tect the interests of education.'  in full by the council and that mem-  SOLID CANE
     In relation to education, particu- bers, officers and headteachers  All our furniture is made from solid, carefully
   larly schools, the report goes on to  were committed to working to-  seasoned cane, selected to give the best finish.
   state that 'the council has not been  gether to rebuild the education  We always endeavour to use renewable sources.
   well served by its senior officers.'  service. "The council must not hide  All fabrics and upholstery conform to British
   'Strategic management and plan-  from the issues identified; we have  Safety Standards.
   ning are poor or very poor in most not got it right, we're sorry."
   areas.' 'Plans, notably for school  But whilst recognising the struc-
   places, asset management, special  tural and organisational failures,
   educational needs, behaviour, the  she pointed out that Swindon edu-  Pi ne &.Cane
   recruitment and retention of teach-  cation is the lowest funded uni-
   ers and information and commu-  tary education authority, receiv-
   nication technology attempt to  ing £6.5 million less than others of  _^7num  High St   34 WOOD ST.
   comply with national require-  comparable size. This has pro-  Pine &Cane  y  `^1Of^8  EJA  OLD TOWN,
   ments but they are often over-bu-  found and negative effects on the   0                SWINDON
   reaucratic and impracticable.' 'The  delivery of the service.        Devizes Road centre  Tel: (01793) 535320
   plans do not provide schools with  Peter Wells, chair of the Swin-  Victoria Rd  Wroaghtofl
   a coherent way forward.'    don Association of Secondary         a pad   EASY      OPEN : Monday to Saturday
     The report says the LEA 'does  Heads, said the report contents,  Museum   I  PARKING  9.00am till 5.30pm.
   not effectively support school im-  though shocking and deeply dis-     in Old Town  Sunday : 10.30 am till 4.30pm.
   provement. Rather it impedes itby  tressing, were not a surprise.
   engaging schools in lengthy              Continued page 6
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