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            Plans for last stage of North Swindon development

                       at Middle Clover - on show in October

   The North Swindon Development Company has submitted a Framework Plan which outlines its proposals  for the development area to the
   south of the new Northern Orbital Road (extending Thamesdown Drive).
   The Framework Plan is submitted as a  Haydon 3 is divided into three                      dwellings will be started
   requirement of a condition attached to  Framework Plan areas. The first one,              in 2002.
   the 'Hayden 3 Master Plan outline  known as the Redhouse and Oakhurst          ''           The plan provides a de-
   planning permission which was  Framework Plan was approved for     ,            ,         sign strategy and overall
   granted by Swindon Borough Council  Development Control purposes in             guidance essential to
   in June 2000.               December 2000 and work on site has                            achieving a high quality
     It develops and interprets the Mas-  now commenced.                          "'         development. Individual
   ter Plan, identifying opportunities and  This second Framework plan, to be                schemes will have to be
   examining in detail the existing devel-  known as Middle Clover covers an   designed against the back-
   opment, topography and landscape  area to the south of the NOR/      rt.                  groundofthisdesignguid-
   features. It provides detailed design  Thamesdown Drive, to the north of                  ance and a `Design State-
   briefs and offers guidance on residen-  Haydon Brook and west of Lady Lane.               ment' will be required of
   tial and commercial development,  Following comments from residents           each planning application
   housing density, highway matters,  and otherintrerestedbodiesatthepub-  '      Semi-rural  for individual develop-
   noise attenuation measures, conser-  lie exhibition advertised below, it will     layout  ment sites.
   vation of flora and fauna and open  be considered by the Planning Com-                      The Framework Plan is
   space requirements.        mittee. It is anticipated that the first                       divided into two character
                                                                                     areas namely: Semi Rural and Urban
                                                                                     Core. Each of these areas will have a
   I                    Swindon Borough Council                                      distinctive identity, which together
                                                                                     will create a strong sense of place.
                                                                                       The Semi Rural Character Area
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                                                                                     is a response to the existing retained
                                                                                     vegetation and areas of open space,
                      Proposed Framework Plan for land                               providing an edge and transition be-
                                                                                     tween landscape and urban areas. This
    south of the Thamesdown Drive extension, Haydon 3, Swindon                       area will include an informal pattern
                                                                                     of development with the existing re-
    This notice is to advise members of the public that an exhibition of the above Framework  tained vegetation and the new land-
     Plan will be held at Haydon Wick Parish Council Offices, Thames Avenue, Haydon Wick.  scape treatment providing the domi-
                                                                                     nant elements. The character will also
           Before the Borough Council formally considers the developer's proposals
                                                                                     be reflected in the housing form, high-
                  for the area shown below, it would like to hear your views.
                                                                                     way design and open space and archi-
                         Please come along and fill in a comment form                tectural treatment.
                                                                                       The area will be defined by lower
                                                                                     density development with a mix of
                                                                                     detached, semi detached and terraced
                                                                                     building forms in a landscaped setting.
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                                                                                      The Urban Core Areas, above, are
                                                                                     central to the framework plan.This
                                                                                     will have a traditional urban form with
          a sstwuwt r  T  3  # :                   .a  ... ^^r   ^       ts^eain
                                                                                     a network of streets and a series of
                          -.                                 ''ar c...asz,^r         spaces and squares. The pattern of
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                  Exlstlrp housing  ^^  -                                            streets will provide direct, safe and
                    at Taw HIN      M'      -.'^I  ^t t     - ,o,,,^,^  ., wee,,.•   attractive routes for cyclists and pe-
                                                                                      A rich and varied townscape will be
      Exhibition  Hours                                                              provided by the complex pattern of
                                                                                     streets and spaces. Within the charac-
      Tuesday        23rd October      10am to 5pm                                   ter area there will be small areas of
      Wednesday      24th October     1pm to 8pm                                     formal urban form and architecture
                                                                                     such as avenues and crescents.
      Thursday       25th October     1pm to 8pm                                      These formal areas will provide
                                                                                     variety and strong focal points within
      A copy of the Frarnewor k Plan documents are also available at the Public  ^+  the development. Densities will be
      Counter at the Borough Council's offices at Premier House, Station Road,  SWi11Don  higher than in the semi rural area with
      Swindon Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm until Friday 16th November 2001.  BOROUGH ce;ineIL  a large portion of terraced and three
                                                                                     storey buildings.
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