The head of the award-winning lettings department at land and property agent Moore Allen & Innocent has been promoted to the position of Associate.
Theresa Troupe - whose eight-strong department manages more than 300 rented homes across the Cotswolds and North Wiltshire on behalf of country estates, property investors, and private landlords - has been given a seat in at the boardroom table.
The promotion means the department's voice is heard at the very top of the business and involved in strategic business decisions.
Theresa, who has worked in property lettings for over 20 years, joined Moore Allen in 2017 and was promoted to head of the lettings department in 2022.
High demand and lower supply are leading to a buoyant lettings market.
Typical rents for a three-bedroom property are in the range of £1,300 to £1,400 a month, and large detached country properties remain popular. One such property - with six double bedrooms, landscaped gardens and a tennis court - is currently being offered for £5,500 a month.
Theresa joins existing Associates Amy McDonald, head of rural sales and valuations, and Richard Dell, head of the commercial property department.
Amy looks after the sale of farms and farmland which - due to high demand - is reaching record values and land in the Cotswolds and north Wiltshire exceeding the national average.
Late Spring will see an influx of small farms, small holdings and paddocks to the market.
In the Cotswolds, paddocks can achieve prices of between £20,000 and £30,000 an acre, and horse owners will be pleased to see a number of paddocks coming to market across the region, as well as two blocks of farmland.
Meanwhile, Richard is helping commercial property owners to navigate a changing market.
While town centre retail units are finding new leases of life in the leisure and food and beverage sectors, post-Covid hybrid working means the owners of offices now have to be prepared to offer their properties for alternative uses such such as studio spaces or for for online retail uses - a growth market with high demand.
Even smaller spaces can find a re-use: recently, a former grain silo on farmland was repurposed for furniture storage.
Among the more striking commercial premises on offer in Cirencester is The Old Museum, which offers over 3,400 sq ft of accommodation over two floors.
The property was, until recently, home to a renowned mobile games developer. It is on the market for £3,500 per month.
Theresa said: "The lettings department is an important part of the business, and I'm delighted to have been invited to represent the department at board level."
Managing partner Mark Halliwell said: "We are delighted to promote Theresa to the position of Associate.
"Not only have Theresa and her team continued to build on the success of our lettings department, but Theresa provides a fresh approach to help drive the business forward."
Moore Allen & Innocent provides regional expertise in residential property, commercial property, agriculture, and auctions.
To find out about the full range of services offered by Moore Allen & Innocent, visit
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