Two brothers tackling Three Peaks in aid of Prospect Hospice

By Barrie Hudson - 28 June 2024

  • Lewis, left, and Bruce during a training climb

    Lewis, left, and Bruce during a training climb

On 3 August brothers Lewis and Bruce Farrant will set off on a mission to conquer Britain's three highest mountains in the space of 24 hours.

They will do so in aid of one of the Swindon area's best- loved good causes - Prospect Hospice.

Lewis, a floor layer, and Bruce, a Mercedes technician, have already attracted so much support in Swindon and beyond that they smashed their initial fundraising target well over a month before the day of the challenge.

Lewis said: "We decided to do the Three Peaks Challenge. I'd been wanting to do it for a while anyway."

Bruce said: "It's something different - to push ourselves a bit."

Lewis added: "And what better charity to do it for than Prospect - we're going to to do it and try to raise some money as well.

"We set ourselves a target to start with of £1000. We've achieved that so I've doubled it to £2,000 to see if we can do that as well.

"Prospect does a lot in the community anyway, and I think, also, a big point for us is that when our Dad passed away he was days away from going there.

"He passed away in hospital before getting to Prospect. My mother-in-law was a nurse there, so I know the work they do.

"I think you'd be hard pushed to find somebody in Swindon who hasn't been touched by the charity in some way."

Bruce said: "My Grandad - my dad's dad - was helped by Prospect way back."

The brothers are in the midst of a rigorous self-devised training programme including long weekend hikes which ideally cover a minimum half- marathon distance, and always try to include hills and small mountains. The rugged Brecon landscape has become a regular haunt.

On the day of their challenge for Prospect, they will first tackle 1345m (4,413 ft) Ben Nevis, then head back South for Scafell Pike - 964m (3,163 ft) 0 and finally Snowdon at 1,085 m (3,560 ft.)

The two will be ferried

between the mountains alongside fellow challengers in a minibus provided by a specialist firm.

Lewis and Bruce are both fairly confident about their ability to cover the terrain and the distances, but admit that the real challenge is likely to be the timescale.

Bruce said: "It's the being awake - and one of them is going to be at night, in the dark. You don't even get the benefit of the pretty view!"

People can sponsor the brothers by searching for 'Lewis Farrant' at

The brothers' many supporters include Old Town pub and music venue The Tuppenny, whose Facebook page includes a video and details of a Quiz Night in aid of the cause on 17 July.

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