Young Swindon carers celebrate their superpowers

By Barrie Hudson - 8 March 2024


Young carers in Swindon have created posters depicting their chosen super-powers.

Their artwork reflected the powers they would like to have and how it could help them in their caring role.

The entries included “Mind reading, so I know when my sister needs help” and “Spring legs, so that I can run fast if someone needs help.”

Swindon Carers Centre ran the poster competition for primary age young carers to link with Young Carers Action Day on Wednesday 13 March.  [Anchor] Young Carers Action Day is a national day to raise awareness of young carers in the UK.

Debbie Murphy-Myers, Head of Service Delivery for Young Carers and Parent Carers at Swindon Carers Centre, said: “We received many fantastic entries from young carers, aged five to ten years, all showcasing the super-power they would choose.

“The standard of entries was superb, making it very difficult to choose an overall winner. Therefore, we decided to give each school who sent entries a voucher to spend on their Young Carers Group in school.

“Thank you to all the wonderful young carers who took part and schools for encouraging participation in this important national campaign.”

When asked why they took part in the poster competition, a young carer from Oliver Tomkins School, said: “I like art and art about young carers is even better.” 

A young carer from Southfield Junior School said: “It was nice to do something together in our lunch time Young Carers Club, we all like drawing. 

"I liked seeing the other ideas. Some of us thought of the same ideas which was nice (as we know they are not the only ones who feel that way).”

The super-power theme of the poster competition linked to the Superheroes film of young carers Swindon Carers Centre produced last year in conjunction with Light-up Media, which people can view at

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