Jumble sale to raise money for Down's Syndrome charity

By Amanda Wilkins - 10 June 2024


Swindon Down's Syndrome Group will be holding a jumble sale on Saturday 29th June.

The sale will take place at St. Barnabas Church Hall, Cricklade Road, Swindon and starts at 10:00am until 12 noon. 

Refreshments including tea, coffee and cakes will be avaliable to purchase on the day. 

The group are asking for any donations of jumble to be brought to the hall on the morning of the sale, before 9.30am. 

The Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group are a local charity who champion and support people with Down’s Syndrome in Swindon and the surrounding area.

The group was founded in 1984 and became a registered charity in 2003. There are a volunteer led organisation, meaning everyone that has an active role.

In 2010 the Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group were the proud recipients of the prestigious Queen’s Award, which is given for Voluntary Service and the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK.

For more information on the jumble sale, please contact Kim on 07732 064 889 or email [email protected].

For more information on the charity, visit their website via this link: @SwindonDownssyndromegroup


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