Agony Girl is back to solve your problems

By Barrie Hudson - 30 May 2024


From the pages of Swindon Link's sister publication The Ocelot comes Agony Girl in the form of ten-year-old Amy. We read her the questions and she tells us the answers. To ask Agony Girl a question yourself email us at [email protected] with 'Agony Girl' in the subject line.

Dear Agony Girl,

I hear you like to do cartwheels.

Sometimes I feel like doing them but I feel scared I might hurt myself. Do you have any advice and would you show me how to do them properly?

Tyler, Redhouse

When you're doing a cartwheel start off with slightly trying to go over and keep increasing your legs up and make sure you land on your feet so you don't hurt yourself. I also like doing a flippy thing which is a cartwheel with a flip at the end. It might be scary but it's worth it when you do it in the end.


Dear Agony Girl,

My partner keeps accusing me of eating all the biscuits in the biscuit barrel. While I readily admit to being as fond as the next person – and possibly fonder – of a nice custard cream, bourbon or chocolate digestive, not to mention ginger nuts, shortbread, Penguins, wafers and so on, there is more than one person in this house and I am not the only offender.

What is your suggestion as to how I might prove my innocence, or at least my lack of total guilt, the next time I am slandered?

Yours sincerely,

The Accused.

When you're feeling peckish for a biscuit create your own biscuit barrel so you've got your own supply and then refill it when it empties so you never have to take anyone else's biscuit.


Dear Agony Girl,

Help! I've just tried all of last year's summer clothes on and none of them fit me!  Do you have any tips on losing weight and keeping fit for the summer?

Louise, Rodbourne

All my summer clothes are like 8-9 years old so I have the same problem. You just need to go shopping. To keep fit you should go on a run every day and learn to do a triple flip back hand-spring.


Dear Agony Girl,

How do I get my teenager off of his computer and outside now the weather is better? I can't turn off the wifi or change the password as he knows more about IT than me!

yours faithfully,

A mum at the end of her tether

Put the computer outside.


Write in to Amy at [email protected]

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