The search is on for green-fingered residents in Malmesbury

By Amanda Wilkins - 11 June 2024

Arts and CultureAttractionsHome and Garden
  • Malmesbury Mayor Phil Exton. Photo by Barbara Leatham

    Malmesbury Mayor Phil Exton. Photo by Barbara Leatham

Malmesbury Town Council are searching for residents and business owners to enter their annual art and gardening competitions.

The annual Malmesbury in Bloom Garden Competition will be running alongside the Malmesbury in Bloom Multimedia Art Competition this summer.

The Malmesbury in Bloom Multimedia Art Competition is open to those living or at pre-school or school in the town and are aged 18 or younger.

Malmesbury Mayor Phil Exton said he hoped for a glut of entries in all categories. “We are always so impressed with the efforts residents and businesses make to brighten up our beautiful town with fantastic floral displays, and this competition helps celebrate their hard work.

“I am also really looking forward to seeing the entries for the multimedia art competition, as we have some very talented young people in the town.”

For more information email [email protected].

The winners will be invited to an awards presentation evening at the Town Hall on Friday September 27.


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