Swindon Paint Fest is back

By Barrie Hudson - 1 September 2023

Arts and Culture

The second annual Swindon Paint Fest will be held this weekend.

Organisers promise that the public can expect to see an even greater calibre of artists and artworks than was assembled las time.

A spokesperson said: "Paint festivals are a great opportunity for local and national artists to showcase their talent in new locations, reaching a wider audience. 

"This also creates a buzz around the town, bringing new people wanting to broaden their horizons and get to paint in a not-explored-before location. 

"The creation of numerous artworks around the town increases foot traffic into areas which are not usually visited by out-of-town individuals. 

"This is a great benefit for local businesses and adds value to buildings, creating more appeal than before, and making Swindon a must-visit art destination. 

"The Swindon community can also gain from the beautiful artworks. The painted murals enhance the town’s look, improving living conditions for its residents.

"The artists working to create unique art pieces express themselves and share themes through their art. This encourages conversation around specific subjects or issues, making some art pieces fit for educational purposes as well as acting as collective thought spaces. "These important conversations, sparked by art, are thought-expanding and a must for starting positive movements.

"Local businesses that donated wall space for the Paint Fest have seen significant positive impacts on their trading and the appeal of their buildings during Swindon Paint Fest 2022."

Justin Britchford of MECA said: “We have always wondered what to do with the back of MECA so when we were approached by Swindon Paint Fest with the idea of murals on the building we jumped at the chance.

"The artwork on our building looks amazing, so good in fact that we had one of them lit up at night to really show it off. We will definitely donate again to this year's event."

More information about Swindon Paint Fest can be found at bit.ly/swindonpaintfest and donations can be made at www.gofundme.com/f/swindon-paint-fest-2023

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