Come and sing along with the Pirates of Penzance

By Amanda Wilkins - 23 May 2024

Arts and CultureCommunity

The Swindon Gilbert and Sullivan Society are inviting the public to join them as they perform at Christ Church on 15 September.

The popular amateur performing society are planning a Come and Sing with a difference this September with a production of The Pirates of Penzance.

Since 1969 the Swindon Gilbert and Sullivan Society have been performing their works to audiences in and around Swindon. They consist of an enthusiastic and talented group of all ages who pride themselves on bringing comic operas to life for modern audiences. 

The Come and Sing will take place on the 15th September at Christ Church, Swindon, SN1 3HB.

Tickets are £10 non-members, £5 under 18s and members.

Registration is from 1.45 to 2.00. The event starts at 2.15 with a practice of a few numbers and then a complete sing through.

Please book your place by emailing: [email protected] or by calling 07847826017

More details are avaliable on the Swindon Gilbert and Sullivan Society website and via Facebook.

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