Dental Treatments That Will Improve Your Smile – The Complete Guide

By Swindon Link - 27 June 2024


It is safe to say that most people would change something about their face if they could. For many, that would be their teeth and smile. Cosmetic dentistry is ever-evolving, and numerous options exist for those wishing to improve their smile. Read on for your complete guide to cosmetic treatments that enhance your smile.

Flossing and Interdental Brushing

Flossing and interdental brushing help preserve a healthy, bright smile by cleaning the areas that regular brushing misses. There are several benefits of using dental floss and interdental brushes. These include:

Plaque reduction – Flossing and interdental brushing can help to reach the areas of your mouth that regular toothbrushes cannot. Plaque is a bacteria-filled coating that gets into the tiniest crevices between teeth and can cause them to rot and deteriorate. Flossing and interdental brushes prevent plaque from hardening into tartar (calculus), which is harder to remove and irritates gums.

Reduces tooth discolouration - Plaque can darken teeth over time. Removing plaque frequently can avoid stains from coffee, tea, and wine, keeping your smile bright.

Reduces risk of gum disease - Plaque can cause gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease. Gum irritation, redness, and bleeding can result. Plaque is removed by flossing and interdental brushing, preventing gingivitis and keeping gums healthy. Having healthy gums helps support your teeth and gives you a confident grin.


Invisalign treatment straightens teeth with clear, almost invisible aligners. Over the course of the treatment period, they slowly move teeth to a straighter position and are a fantastic and discreet way of improving your smile. Invisalign braces cure minor orthodontic issues such as underbites, overbites, spacing, and crowding. 

Here are some things to consider before starting Invisalign treatment:

- Invisalign aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours daily. 

- Only water can be consumed while wearing aligners.

- Aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, flossing, and brushing. 

- A retainer is required at night after treatment to maintain the dental position.

- During therapy, your teeth may temporarily look worse before improving.

Invisalign is now widely considered a better option than fixed braces when correcting tooth misalignment. Here we look at some clear advantages of the option for Invisalign over braces:


- Invisalign aligners are clear and practically invisible, making them a better option for braces-conscious people. The aligners are hard to spot unless you are close up to the person wearing them, and even then, they are subtle.

- Invisalign aligners are usually more comfortable than braces as they do not have a tight wire structure and are easier to remove and replace.

- Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and brushing. You may also remove them for special occasions if you wish. This makes it easier to maintain dental hygiene and comfort throughout the treatment. 

- Invisalign only requires visits to your dental practice every few weeks for new aligners and progress checks. Adjustments to fixed braces are frequent and time-consuming; therefore, the treatment time for Invisalign is shorter than for fixed braces.

Please note that Invisalign is not for everyone. Orthodontists can recommend the best dental treatment for you. 


Braces have been a successful method of correcting tooth alignment for many decades. While many adults use braces, they are more commonly used for children to ensure their teeth are positioned correctly and safely. 

So, at what age should your kid get braces? This will depend on each child, but generally, the dentist will want to begin the braces procedure early enough to prevent alignment concerns but not so early that their teeth haven't emerged. Your dentist will start checking your child's teeth at about 12–13, and they are entitled to NHS braces until the age of 18. 

Dental Implants

Implants for missing teeth are a popular option. They give a solid basis to artificial teeth when surgically placed in the mandible or maxilla. Long-term smile improvement is facilitated by materials that support restorations, like crowns or bridges that match your natural teeth. These are permanent implants; hence, no adhesive is needed.

The condition of the jawbone and underlying medical conditions are two factors that mean not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants.

Veneers and Composite Bonding

Veneers are thin shells that cover front teeth in matching colours. Unlike bonding, your tooth's enamel must be somewhat removed to accommodate the shell. Based on your mouth model, they look like your genuine teeth. They last and require little upkeep.

Dental veneers hide several visual defects. They can conceal chips, cracks, spaces between teeth, excessive discolouration, uneven tooth wear, and tiny misalignments. Porcelain veneers better resist cigarettes, wine, and coffee stains than natural tooth enamel. This keeps your grin bright and white.

Composite bonding helps restore the aesthetics of the tooth. During bonding, your dentist will directly attach materials to your tooth. Porcelain and resins bond tooth enamel and dentin to create a beautiful structure. Composite bonding may improve the appearance and condition of your teeth and is often used to repair chips, cracks and gaps. It may also make teeth appear brighter and straighter, improving smiles. Composite bonding uses white resin-like fillings. It is either lighter than the teeth or matched to them to whiten them.


Aside from the above dental treatments, you can make some lifestyle changes to help improve your smile. These are

- Ensure your dental hygiene is efficient, brushing twice daily and flossing daily.

- Avoid acidic and sugary food and drinks (energy drinks and sweets are common culprits)

- Avoid alcohol

- Do not smoke

- Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly

- Minimise stress factors, as stress can weaken your immune system and increase your chance of gum disease. Stress can also lead to grinding of the teeth, which can weaken and damage them.

In conclusion, there are various ways in which dental treatments can help to improve your smile. It is more accessible than ever to alter your teeth and oral health so you can flash those pearly whites with pride.

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