Plenty of good news to share - Swindon Borough Council leader Cllr Jim Robbins writes for the Link

By Swindon Link - 22 November 2024


I’m really pleased with the positive news that we have been able to share from Swindon Borough Council recently.

I was nervously waiting on the results of a Peer Review and the annual residents and staff surveys when I wrote last month’s article and I’m delighted to report back that there a lots of positives to take away from the results! 

The Peer Review carried out by Local Government Association talks of a “seachange” in staff culture at the council and says “The new Administration at SBC is enthusiastic and passionate about Swindon and has a clear sense of ambition, clearly articulated in their 3 ‘missions’. Members and officers are working well as a top team - we heard that challenge is welcome and underpinned by shared principles of honesty and transparency.

This was backed up by the staff and residents survey, both of which show big rises in approval rating for the council in key areas.  It was pleasing to see both surveys gathered more responses this year, and increases in people trusting the council, seeing the council as value for money and staff feeling that the council is a good place to work.

It's great to get such positive feedback, but we know that there is lots still to do to really achieve the missions and make the lasting change that we want to see for the town. 

It has been exciting to bring forward three big plans for the town: our new Heart of Swindon plan for the town centre, a exciting plan for a new entertainments venue for the town and our plan to work closely with Network Rail, UKRI, Business West and other key partners to regenerate the area around the town's station in an innovation district called Knowledge Central. I’m delighted that Heidi Alexander MP has agreed to lead the Board overseeing this plan. Her contacts in Government and experience of driving large projects will be invaluable.

I know that people will be rightly cynical after years of many undelivered plans in the town, and the many computer-generated images of new developments that never materialise, but we have to go through this process, and I’ll do all I can alongside the Cabinet to ensure that these are delivered. 

Following the success of the Let’s Talk Swindon events in the Spring, which were praised by the Peer Review as “welcomed and valued by residents, partners and businesses. Through this new way of working, the council has built its reputation and credibility with a full range of stakeholders, who all now support the intent of The Swindon Plan”, we have decided to run a further round of events and drop-in sessions to get resident feedback on the Heart of Swindon plan for the town centre, to ensure that residents buy into the plan ahead of taking it to investors to encourage them to get involved.

I’m also pleased that we have been able to bring forward some support for residents struggling with energy bills and the cost of living by using Government funding through the Emergency Support Grant to target those just above the thresholds for other support. Most people eligible should be identified by the council, but if you are struggling, please get in touch to see if we can help.

Finally, it was lovely to be able to hold an event for Hindu residents and staff to celebrate Diwali, in a similar way to hosting a Ramadan Iftar for our Muslim residents earlier in the year. Looking forward to hosting a Christmas event soon at the council, as well as the Christmas Market in the town and plenty of other seasonal events!

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