Old Town left without water after burst main

By Jamie Hill - 22 May 2024


Huge swathes of Old Town woke up to no water supply this morning. The incident has affected both Lethbridge Primary School, who will remain closed, and Commonweal who will only be open for students taking exams.

According to reports on social media the water outage, which has left several hundred homes and businesses with no water or very low pressure, has been caused by a burst main in Woodland View in Wroughton.

It is thought the major leak is affecting five areas.

Thames Water are investigating the incident and have had workers on site over the past few hours as they try and solve the problem.

Lethbridge School has sent out a text message to parents saying it will remain closed until the incident is resolved.

Commonweal School on The Mall has put out a message for students: "Once again Old Town has a significantly reduced water supply. This means Commonweal will not open as normal this morning.

"Students should remain at home while we seek more information.

"Our intention is that external exams (GCSEs and A-Levels) will go ahead as scheduled. 

"Students with exams this morning should come to school and enter via the North Gate at 8.30am.

"For all students, please check Edulink from 8.40 onwards regarding remote learning today. If you have any questions, please contact your teachers. You will need to follow your normal timetable."

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