Top election official's photo ID polling reminder

By Barrie Hudson - 20 January 2023

  • Returning Officer and council chief executive Susie Kemp is spearheading the campaign

    Returning Officer and council chief executive Susie Kemp is spearheading the campaign

Swindon's electoral Returning Officer is urging people to make sure they are able to vote in the forthcoming borough and parish elections.

The Government has introduced new legislation obliging voters to be able to produce photo ID if they wish to vote at a polling station.
Arrangements for postal voting are unchanged.
Swindon Borough Council Returning Officer Susie kemp, who is also the authority's chief executive, said: "As with every year, I want to make sure that as many people as possible cast their vote in the 2023 borough and council elections.
"The new UK-wide voter ID requirements, introduced by the Government, mean that all voters will need to show an accepted form of photographic identification when they go to vote at the polling station on Thursday, 4 May.
"The Government are opening an online application process for anyone who does not have an accepted form of photo ID, so they can apply for a free voter ID document before 25 April, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
"I would urge anyone who wants to vote, but who is not currently registered to register by 17 April."
Other than Voter Authority Certificates, acceptable forms of identification include passports, driving licences with photos, biometric immigration documents and some travel passes. A full list can be found at
People not yet registered to vote can do so at
The council has launched an awareness campaign which will run until polling day, reminding residents to bring their photo ID with them to their polling station.
Some critics of the new law fear it could lead to some people being denied their vote.
Borough council Labour Group Leader Cllr Jim Robbins said: "Whilst I certainly think that the new regulations are not needed and I'm very concerned that they could lead to people being unable to vote in the local elections in May, I'm pleased that the council are working hard to make sure people are aware of the requirements for Voter ID, and we will be doing all that we can to make sure Labour voters remember their ID when they head off to vote.

"We know how important this set of local elections are and how many people will be keen to get out and have their democratic say on who should be running Swindon. 

"We'll be trying to promote the Voter Authority Certificate - the free ID supplied by the council to those people who don't have any photo ID." 

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