Jail for Swindon burglars

By Barrie Hudson - 23 January 2024

  • Joshua Steele

    Joshua Steele

Two men who broke in to a Swindon home and stole thousands of pounds' worth of gold jewellery have been jailed.

  • Dwain Stratford

    Dwain Stratford

Dwain Stratford, 33, of Beech Avenue, Pinehurst, was jailed for 18 months, and Joshua Steele, 28, of Bolingbroke Road, Moredon, was jailed for 29 months after pleading guilty to burglary.

On 11 September the pair smashed their way in to a house in Stratton St Margaret and searched the address before making off with numerous items of jewellery including watches, bracelets, rings of sentimental value and coins.

Officers began an investigation and identified a Vauxhall Vivaro believed to have been used in the burglary. This was later located and some of the stolen items were also located. Both Stratford and Steele were arrested and later charged.

Det Con Jared Yalden, of the Burglary Team, said: “The custodial sentences given in this case reflect the serious impact burglary can have on victims.

“Your home should be your safe place but victims of burglary have this taken away from them and the impact can be long lasting – not just on the victims but for a whole community.

“I am pleased these two individuals have been put behind bars. We are committed to targeting offenders like Steele and Stratford and these sentences mean our streets are now safer.”

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