Swindon man disqualified from driving for 17 months

By Amanda Wilkins - 14 June 2024


A man from Swindon has been disqualified from driving for 17 months after failing to provide a sample.

Manuel Sousa, 44, of Silverton Road, Park North, was sentenced at Swindon Magistrates Court on Wednesday (12/06).

It follows an incident on May 28 when two officers witnessed Sousa driving a vehicle that was swerving across the road, regularly crossing the centre line and nearly collide with oncoming vehicles.

Sousa was asked to stop by officers and when talking was slurring his words and smelt strongly of alcohol. He was asked to provide a specimen of breath for analysis which he made numerous attempts to do, but wasn't blowing into the device correctly.

He was taken to Gablecross police station where he failed to provide two adequate samples of breath.

Sousa was also fined £1699.

PC Paul Davis said: "The biggest risk you take when driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is the risk of causing a collision.

"Driving under the influence of drink or drugs is extremely dangerous and can affect your driving. It can also create a false confidence which can lead to an increase in risk-taking behaviour, which puts your life and the lives of others in danger.

“Our message to people is please don’t risk it – getting behind the wheel of your car having consumed alcohol or illegal drugs puts your life and the lives of other road users at risk. Please plan your journey home in advance if you know you are going to be drinking.” 

If you suspect someone of drink driving please report it. Call 101, 999 in an emergency or through the website: Report | Wiltshire Police

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online: Keeping safe | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)


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