Swindon Town FC writer Alfie Howlett on the latest developments at the County Ground

By Alfie Howlett - 28 June 2024


To their credit, Swindon are beginning to put one or two promising plans in place for next season.

A new manager in Mark Kennedy, and new signings such as the impressive Ollie Clarke.

All very encouraging. However, this in my eyes has only highlighted how broken and disconnected the Swindon fan base is. There is barely any excitement being generated for the new season. And that
is because it feels like another case of de´ja` vu.

We as fans always seem to find ourselves in this position, a couple of good signings and we think that this will be our year, only to suffer another empty season. But now we really have had enough. The same mistake is not being made again, Clem Morfuni needs to pull several more rabbits out of the hat to draw in the crowds once more.

You almost get the impression that Kylian Mbappe could be announced in Town colours, and it would still be met dubiously by the Swindon support. Owner Clem Morfuni only has his tenure and the one before his to blame. This is a fan base which are disenchanted with their own club.

Mark Kennedy and whoever arrives through the door between now and August must hit the ground running. August will be their trial period. Almost the last role of the dice at trying to lure supporters once more for another season. If they do not hit the ground running, you dread to think where the season will end up. Hence many people’s reluctance to get on board now.

Football during the pandemic taught us that the game is soulless without its fans. And I fear that this season is the closest Swindon could get to replicating the atmosphere of Covid. Of course, it should be mentioned that even if we do hit the ground running it’s no guarantee of a good season. Just ask Michael Flynn and Co. Another dent along the bumpy road which has led to a broken STFC.

Now this is all sounding very negative, I agree. I’m sure that I speak on behalf of every Town fan when I say that I wish Mark Kennedy and his team every success. We want to be surprised and fall back in love with this team. We’ve seen just how brilliant times can be under Morfuni with record crowds in his first season of ownership. That should be enough to show anyone just how great the potential is should Kennedy get it right.

Wise men say only fools rush in. Let’s not be the fools here, a couple of good signings doesn’t paper over the cracks. Instead let’s be wise and observe the good work and make our own minds up. Will mistakes be rectified? Is it once again a case for cautious optimism? 

Only the next two months will tell. But my word could everyone do with a season to cheer for. And then maybe, for the first time in a while, you will finish reading my column feeling optimistic! 


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