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                          (Bed,2 wardrobes,dressing table)
     /Ie FO R a                                      ONLY £75
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       Most of us indulge ourselves in eating food which leaves a lot to be desired as far as
        health is concerned. Many people are put off eating healty wholefoods by hearing vague
        references to nuts and lentils and not much else. It's true, that it's a whole new way
        of eating that will in the long run, benefit us most. We can, however, start following
        a few pointers which will improve our diets without becoming too extreme and sacrificing
        all the foods we're used to in one go. Try using 100°,'' Wholemeal flour instead of white.
        Now this is perhaps.a drastic change for people used to lots of baking. If you don't want
        to stop eating those white flour concoctions, try baking with half the usual measure of
        white flour and make it up to the full measure with wholemeal. You might find that by
        gradually lessening the white flour and increasing the wholemeal, it won't seem such a
        shock to your taste buds! This flour can also be used as a thickening agent and it makes
        delicious biscuits. Try this recipe using all wholemeal flour or partly self—raising
        flour — it dosn't matter what quantities of each you use to make up the full amount.

                                                     GINGER BISCUITS

                         6 ozs wholemeal flour                 3 ozs genuine brown sugar
                         1 tease. bicarb. of soda              l; ozs honey
                         2 teasp. ground ginger                2 ozs margarine
                         pinch of salt                         1 egg

        Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 (el c. 350). Warm the honey and margarine together gently in
        a pan. Meanwhile, sift the flour, salt, bicarb. and ginger together. Add the sugar. When
        the honey & margarine have melted, allow to cool slightly then add to the dry ingredients.
        Mix well. Add the egg & mix again.        Grease 2 bak-big trays (appro,: 14" x 10"). Divide mix
        into about 24 ball shapes and bake for 16 mins.          - 20 mins., depending on whether you like
        soft or crispy biscuits.
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