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P. 3

                                                         HELPS COMMUNITY GROUPS;

               For those of you who are new to Swindon or living i.n a new area of Swincon,
               it might be a shock that there seems to be little to do. But reading the
               last copy of LINK, I counted 19 community activity groups (from Bingo to a
               Car Co-operative). In Swindon as a whole there are well over one thousand
               different groups, all of whom are busy with some community or voluntar  work.
               You -.=e now in an exciting period where you can start or be involved in these
               new activities and perhaps TVSC can help you?

     •         TVS C helps groups in a variet  of ways :
               WITH INFORMATION -- TVSC has a library of information useful to groups and
               publishes each year a Directory of groups in Thamesdown and an Information
               Handbook covering such things as fund raisina, council meetings, meeting
               rooms     (TVSC also has a room seating 20 people for hire).
               WITri .TYPING AND DUPLICATING - We have a Duplicating Workshop, where you can
               come and duplicate minutes, notices etc. and there is also a TYPING SERVICE.
               Both are run "at cost".
               WITH TRANSPORT - There are three minibuses (including a "handicapped persons''
               bus) available for hire to community groups.
               Contact Janice or Denise for help on any of the above.
               WITH VOLUNTEERS -- Many groups need volunteers (for elderly, handicapped,
               youth clubs etc. etc.) and many people would like to volunteer, b ..`t are not
               sure what to do. Clenys and Audrey hel  one get to the other - many people
               each year visit the Volunteer Bureau and find they enjoy helping others, and
               find new interests (teaching adults, counselling etc.)

               WITH STUDENTS - At the Student Community Work Un it , Jenny and Freda help
               groups by placing students (usuall  from social work courses for three months)
               who can help develop projects, do surveys, and generally support groups. Several
               have alread  helped Toothill.
               WITH TP JININs - TVSC helps to put on occasional courses for community groups
               like Committee Work, Fund raising, Publicity etc. There has been a '"Getting
               Involved" course at Toothill.
               WITH 'FIELDWORK ° -- TVSC also has two fieldworkers" (David and Chris) who work
               around Thamesdown developing and supporting projects (particularly those
               dealing with youth, employment and planning/housinc;) . They can also offer
               some support to other groups and projects, who perhaps need help beyond that
               offered above.

               (Ask around -- if what you wane to do doesn°t exist, why not start it? I am
               sure you know someone who could help)

               TVSC, 1 Faringdon Road, Swindon, telephone 38398/9 - Above the Citizens
               Advice Bureau

               The Services above are for all groups, but for a £2 affiliation fee  ou can
               get our Voluntary News and Diary every two months, a Free Handbook, a vote for
               the TVSC Management (we have a voluntary committee) AND learn more about
              what is happening in and around Swindon.
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