Beginner Golf Swing Basics - 4 Shortcut Concepts & Drills

By Staff Reporter - 2 January 2020

Clubs & Activities

Building a better golf swing is one of the fundamental lessons you will be engaging in when you start the sport. The reason why your golf swing is so important is not only due to the fact that it is a fundamental aspect of golf, but it will help you develop good habits as you continue playing, practicing, or even teaching. Regardless of skill level, the concepts or drills you need to strengthen up your swing is paramount to how well you will be as a golfer moving forward. This guide is designed for beginners, but like I said, anyone can benefit from the tips here because sport is a hobby or profession that we can always improve upon. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to do a little revising on your material.

Follow these golf swing basics and you will learn how to excel on the course.


All of your abilities in a swinging start from how you stand. Your stance will determine the angle of your arms and the power you can drive through the club. You may or may not have heard that a triangle is the sturdiest shape in nature, and the reason why that tidbit of information is so important right now is because your body should form a triangle. Keeping your legs shoulder width apart will give you a sturdy base. From there, your weight is distributed evenly through the midsection of your feet. Lean back with your hips, arch your back in a pronounced manner towards the ball, slightly crouch with your knees and you will have a sturdy stance that will serve as the linchpin for your improved swing. Do not forget to remember that your hand placement on the grip is part of your stance. Practice how tight or loose you would like your grip to be at home everyday for half a minute at a time and it will begin to feel natural.

Focusing on the ball

One of the most important aspects of your swing will revolve around how well you can track the ball. Sometimes this can be tricky as it is a pretty small object, and your club will be moving towards it at a high speed. Many beginners, and even the experienced golfers among us, still make the mistake of taking their eye off the ball before hitting it. Maintaining your eye contact will allow you to track the club right into it, which will produce contact. A lot of simple drills you can do for this include playing catch with a friend, tossing a ball up and down, and taking practice swings. It’s important to develop your hand-eye coordination and these can be done easily as everyday tasks.



The Downswing is the act of moving through the ball with your hips. This is what many people would call the actual golf swing. Obviously every part of the swing is important, but TheLeftRough would argue otherwise, as these tips are all conducive to the overall betterment of your golfing prowess. Practice how your hips turn by holding your club and swinging with them. Dancing is a good way to develop this, but it should be noted that the lower body swings while the upper body follows. Similar to baseball as they both generate power through the hips and up, this is how your golf club will generate velocity to hammer through the ball.

Practice your follow through

Lastly, your follow through is how you finish off your shot. Trying to stop your momentum after you’ve hit the ball is foolish. You would want your club and body to naturally end of the movement. This is what practicing a good follow through is. Once you hit the ball, your hips turn, shoulders square up down range, and your feet/knees have turned with the shot; your club will arc over your shoulders. Practice a fake swing and try to gauge how far your arms and elbows move. Your dominant arms elbow should remain close to your body so you aren’t wildly hacking away at the ball and losing accuracy. The club will hang over your body after the shot and remain close. Keep doing this until you feel like you have a good follow through.

Any good golfer will try to keep learning new skills and practicing techniques. The best golfers revisit even the most basic lessons to relearn anything they can. If you use these simple techniques and drills, all of which can be done at or away from the golf course or range, you can help build a strong set of skills to start your golfing career. 


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