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                     OPERATION CLEAN UP!                         MOBILE LIBRARY      IS COM

            On April 12th 30 Cubs & Scouts began
            a sponsored attempt to clean up some                The County Libra ry will be sending a
            of the rubbish around Toothill.                     Mobile Library to Toothill soon, but
                Starting at the senior citizen's                at the time of going to press no final
            flats in Oakham & Kirkstall closes &                date has been fixed.
            proceding along Flint Hill & by the                 When it does come, our voluntary library
            infants school, the pile of plastic                 will close as it will have served its
            refuse sacks rapidly grew.                          purpose. Will those who may have books
               After lunch of soup & hot dogs the               out, please return them then.
            boys cleaned up Dunwich Drive,Longthorp             We wish to thank those who have given
            and Mayenden Park before the supply of              books to our library which has enabled
            plastic sacks ran out but not before                us to give a good selection and thanks
            over 50 had been filled to overflowing.             to the Church for housing the library.
                This was a splendid effort to make              As we said when we started, our hard                 .^
           Toothill a prettier place & also brought             backed books will be offered to the
           much needed funds to the Toothill Scout              County Library Service and our paperbacks,
           Group to the tune of £130. WELL DONE                 sold and the proceeds given to the Church.
           BOYS & THANK YOU
                                  Olive Ki                    0                        GEORGE TWEED

                                NATIONAL CHILDBIRTH TRUST

               We are a group of young parents helping each other by sharing our experiences -
         everyone with a baby has problems of one sort or another & we try to make sure that
         these are halved by being shared. we put people in touch with one another & are
         beginning to make a record of people who have been through particular troubles and
         are willing to help others now having the same worry.

               The sub-title of the Trust is Education for Parenthood and we run our own ante
         natal classes designed to help parents enjoy the birth. We also have breastfeeding
         counsellors on call for advice 24 hours a day & we hold evening meetings at the
         Churchfields school on the last Wednesday every month, often with a speaker. More
         locally, we try to organise regular coffee mornings which are detailed in our news
         letter, published three times a year.

         If you want to know more please 'phone SWINDON                   6r 20356
                                                                            TOOTHILL FARM
                     EDUCATION ACTION                                       PLAYGROUP
                                                                      On Saturday May 17th we held a
         A small meeting was held with Richard
         Needham MP, the Chief Education Officer                      Springfair & were delighted to
                                                                      raise £142 on the day. Our thanks
         and Mrs Main, Chairman of the County
         Education Committee, plus representatives                    go to all staff, committee members
         of the local community and schools.                          & parents who helped and a special
              As usual, it is impossible to say                       thank you to MIRIAM, SUZY,MRS READ
                                                                      MARILYN SHIRT,PHIL COCKS,JAN PACKER
         that any progress was made, but the
                                                                      DAVE KINGSBURY & RAY READ for all
         County authorities want to hold meetings
                                                                      their help. Thanks for making it
              In the meanwhile, the Education                         such a success.
         Action Group would be interested to hear                     Jenny Kingsbury. Jane Read.
          from anyone who is moving house because
         they are unhappy about the junior school
                                                                           AMATEUR DRAMATICS
          situation. If we know people are moving
          foe this reason, it will help us to put
          the case even more strongly.                              Would anybody like to form a Drama
            Please ring 30896 or 39456 or 42993                     Group for Toothill,Freshbrook or
          we will entirely respect the confidence                   Westlea? Please write if you are
          of any information you give us. But it                    interested as we have no 'phone yet.
          would be an enormous help.                                Contact: Salina Robinson, 26 The
                                                                               Chesters, Westlea.
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