Page 9 - link magazine
P. 9

The Link Magazine • November 2001    9
    Swindon runs out of roundabouts                         NO NEED TO LIVE WITH HARD WATER
                as new road opens                           CONTACT:

    Akers Way and Westfield Way in Haydon Wick will soon become  SWINDON        SOF     ATER
    quiet backwaters when the new Northern Orbital Road (NOR) offi-  Kinetico Block Salt Water Softeners guarantee soft water
    cially opens on 22 November, providing the first stage of an impor-  24 hours a day. Only 19" high. non-electric, meter controlled\
    tant by-pass to the north of Swindon between Moredon Road and  Rent, lease. purchase. DIY sales & service. Salt delivered.
    Lady Lane.
                                                           260 Ferndale Road, Swindon. Tel: 527172

                                                                   BEVIRS               WILLS

                                                                                       Professionally drawn by
                                                                                       THE ANDREWS
                                                               for Independent
                                                               Financial Advice         PARTNERSHIP
                                                            See us first for impartial guidance  A professionally prepared
    North Swindon Development Company presented Swindon police with a       y
                                                            on investment and mone  matters  will can avoid delay and
    Honda HRV on 18 October for use by Abbey Meads beat officer PC Dennis
                                                             Offices in Swindon. Wootton  distress for your family
    Taylor who is extending his area to take in the new Priory Vale development.
                                                                 Bassett and Caine
    Pictured with Dennis in the vehicle, from left, Paul Springgay, Trench Farrow          Home visit service:
    consulting engineers, Angie Clark, Westbury Homes, David Thompson,  Contact Jerem  Angell  Single £49.95 • Double £69.95
    director, North Swindon Development Comapny, Wiltshire Police divisional  on 01249 814536
    commander Ian Maidment, Inspector Bob Markham, community safety  Authorised by the Law Society to  Tel: (01793) 642245
                                                               conduct investment business
     Started in October last year, the  decibels is a current norm. Acous-
   four-kilometre stretch of dual car-  tic barriers, priority cycle paths
    riageway built by Edmund   and public transport lanes are also
    Nuttalls for the North Swindon featured.
    Development Company boasts   Wildlife needs have been ad-
    twelve signal-controlled junctions,  dressed with the erection of badger
    with not one roundabout in sight.  fencing and newt barriers at stra-
   At some point in the future, the  tegic points, and a special route for
    NOR will stretch from the Great  mammals and newts under
    Western Way to Cricklade Road,  Haydon End Farm stream.
    linking the M4 and the A419.  The North Swindon Develop-
     Immediately the NOR will pro-  ment Company is also making sub-
   vide access for the huge number of  stantial financial contributions to
   shoppers expected to drive to the  Swindon Council to improve other
   Walmart store which opens on 26  roads in the area, including the
   November. It                              construction of
   will also open                            a route for the
   up the land for                           North Wilts
   the next stage of                         section of the
   Swindon's                                 Wilts and Berks
   northern devel-                           canal under the
   opment, the                               Moredon Road
   5,500 home                                end of the
   Priory Vale,                              NOR. The canal
   which will also                           route to the
   be officially                             north of the
   launched in No-                           road has al-
   vember. The                               ready been dug
   first new houses are expected to be  out by volunteers.
   occupied in early Spring.     "The Northern Orbital Road is a
     The access roads into Priory Vale  major new capital asset for Swin-
   have been constructed as part of  don," said Priory Vale project man-
   the NOR contract so that the con-  ager Paul Springgay. "It will not
   sortium of builders can start on  only provide the infrastructure for
   show houses. A requirement of  further development in the north-
   Swindon planners has been to  ern expansion area, but also sig-
   minimise environmental impact by  nificantly relieve the congestion
   protecting mature trees, retaining both in northern Swindon, and the
   hedgerows wherever possible, and  currently creaking road system
   creating more landscaped areas.  into and around Swindon centre."
     Noise is also an environmental  The next phase of the NOR de-
   issue and the road surface of the  velopment will be turning the ex-
   NOR will be finished in stone mas-  isting Thamesdown Drive from
   tic asphalt. Although more expen-  Lady Lane to the Turnpike rounda-
   sive than traditional surfacing, this  bout on the A419 into a dual car-
   material has been proven to sig-  riageway.
   nificantly decrease the sound of  In a roundabout way, conges-
   traffic. Experts indicate a reduc-  tion in northern Swindon could
   tion of as much as three to four  soon become a thing of the past.
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